Deposition of Arthur Magneiss
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 9r
Arthur Magneiss late of Ballnefarney in the Com of Dow{ne} gen Deposeth & saith, That his estate in the Com aforesaid in Leases was at the begining tyme of the beginin{g} of the Rebellion worth to be sold Thirteene hundred pounds, which since is become of Litle value, and that he lost by the Rebells there, in Corne, Cowe{s} Twenty fiue pounds & vpwards, And in Household stuffe, Apparrell, Linen, woollen & other Vttinsells to the value of threskore & Tenn pounds at least, & in debts due vnto him on Hugh mc Glassney Magneiss viij li. & on Daniell o Morgan fiue pounds both of them of the same County & in Rebellion, And that the said Arthur lost in Rents since this Rebellion an Hundred & tenn pounds ster And further the said Arthur deposeth (as the said Arthurs his wiffe told him that she was stripped of most parte of her Claothes, by the Scept of Kilwarlin & that she lost in Money, Plate & her Apparell & other thinges to the value of threscore pounds & vpwards And this deponent further saith That he doth verily beleaue that the whole Natiues in those partes be out in Rebellion (except a few) and in particular (as this deponent did credibly heare) That Artt roe Magneiss Esquire & his Adherents Daniell oge Magneiss & their Brethern & Adherents were out in rebellion Patr mc Cartan Esquire his brothers Adherents are out in rebellion, Ever Magneiss Esquire & hi{s} Adherents, Artt oge mc Glessney Magneiss Danie{ll} oge mc Edmond boy Magneiss & their Adheren{ts} Rowry mc Bryen oge Magneiss of Kilwarlin & his Adherents all of them in the County of Downe, & Edmond Coggie o Hanlon in the County of Armagh & all the Hanlons there & their Adherents And further saith that he Heard it Credibly reported, That Leivtenant Trevor his wiffe, & one Mr Tudge Clerk &
fol. 9v
& diuers others to the Nomber of ffifteene or more <b A> were putt to Death by one Hugh Magneis and others in the County of Downe And further deposeth that he this deponent hath bin deteyned in prisson or houltd by Sir Conn Magneiss knight & in in his liffe tyme & after by meanes of one Richard Stanihurst, Livetenant Colonell Daniell oge Magneiss Esquire as this deponent is was then Credibly enformed And that they the said Sir Con, Stanihurst & Daniell oge told this deponent that if he had gonn to Mass, He should haue be released out of Durance & should haue had as much more Catle & goods as he lost & to be on their side
Arthur Magneisse
Jur ixo Juny 1642
Will: Hitchcocke
William Aldrich
fol. 10r
I [ ]
fol. 10v
4 Downe
Arthur Magennisse
Jur ixo Juny 1642
copied Ex