Deposition of John Echlin pp Sir Edmond Stafford
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 28r
John Echlin of the Inch in the County of Downe Esquire sworne and Examined on the behalfe of Sir Edmond Stafford of the Fevaghe in the County of Antrim knight deposeth and sayth that he the said Sir Edmond since the begining of this present rebellion and by meanes thereof hath beene and is deprived robbed or otherwise dispoyled of howshould staffe, Stocke, Arreares of Rent and other debts to the value of ffive hundred thirty two pounds sixteene shillings, and that he the said Sir Edmond hath also lost and is deprived of two yeares rent of certaine lands of inhertance in the County of Antrym worth 539 li. 9 s. 2 d. per Annum which am for two yeares amounteth to 1078 li. 18 s. 4 d. And that he the said hath also lost the benefitt of a lease of the parsonage tythes of the parishes of downeene and dramaule in the said County where there were sixteene are ffowrteene yeares In being worth to be sould C C[ ] li. 800 li. As also in the benefitt of a lease for one life of two towne lands in the County of London derry and of a n a lease for 15 yeares to come of another towne land with both which leases are of were being of the yearely <300 li.> rent of l li. per Annum and were worth to be sould [ ] CCC li. And this deponent that the said Sir Edmond hath also lost by reason of this rebellion in building and other Industry his improvementes to the value of one thousand pound. Soe as the totall of all this deponents the said Sir Edmonds losses by reason of this rebellion amounteth to the some of three thousand seaven hundred eleaven pounds sixteene shillings By or the by the meanes for the most part as he beleeveth of <a> hugh ô Neale Phelemy duffe o Neale Art oge ô Neale [all] of the ffevagh in and theire adherents And saith that he the said Sir Edm o nd is like to be depriued of and loose the future proffits of his landes of inheritance worth 539 li. 9 s. per annum vntill a peace be established
Joh: Echline
Jur 19o July 1643
Will: Aldrich
Hen: Brereton
fol. 28v
John Eckline ex parte
Edm Stafford milites Jur
19o July 1643
Intw Cf