Deposition of Sir William Stewart
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 45r
The Right honorable Sir William Stewart of Newsteward in the County of Tirone Knight & Barronet one of his maiesties most honorable Privy Counsell of the Kingdome of Ireland sworne examyned deposeth and saith: That since the begining of the presente Rebellion and by meanes thereof : Hee this depont hath had three of his cheefe howses, one new built Church, twoe markett townes & certeine villages of his owne totally burnd and distroyed by the Rebells: which cost him above twoe thousand <2200 li. 2000 li. per annum> twoe hundred powndes ster: And hee hath beene alsoe & is by meanes of the present Rebellion forceibly deprived and dispoyled of the possession Rents and proffits of his Landes worth neare 2000 li. per annum, and of eight hundred sheepe three score Cowes fforty horses and Mares: Wheate barly oats howsholdgoods provition and other his goodes & chattells of great value: And besides all his brittish tenants that possessed or dwelt on his Landes, were alsoe by the Rebells forcibly deprived or robbed of the most part of their goodes & meanes to their absolute impoverishment, & his the said Sir William Stewarts further extreame Losse And saith that the names of the parties Rebells by or by whose meanes hee or his said tenants have been soe depriued robbed or dampnifyed and that beare Armes with for and amongst the Rebells against the kings Maiesty and his loyall subjectes and that Comitt divers great outrages & Cruelties are theis that followe <a> vizt Sir Phelim ô Neile Knighte Brian mc Art oge ô Nelle Captain Turlogh ô Neile gentleman his elder brother Brian Bane o Neile of Cappey gentleman P[ ] Phelim o Neile of Ballinemurley in the Barrony of Clogher gentleman Henry Ballaghe ô Neile of kilkarney gentleman Rory ô Neile of Cappey gentleman Hughe Boy o Neile of kilkarne gentleman, Turlogh ô Neile of Kilkarn gent Patrick Roe ô Tharrenan of Ashragh gentleman Walter ô Tharrenan of Ashraghe aforesaid gentleman Rory mc Brian of Killamartin gentleman Cormuck ô Quin tenant to Brian ô Neile & a great number of others their complicees and partakers <A> all of the County of Tirone And further sayth, that some of his this Deponents Regiment haveing L ately apprehended and taken prisoner one Cullenan tytulary Bishop of Raphoe, and brought him beforee Sir this Deponent. He this Deponent asked the said tytulary Bishop why
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Why it was reported amongst them of the irish Rebells that the Kings Maiesty had given them a Comission for what they did: With this further expression That he this Deponent much admyred they were soe impudente and shameles as to divulge such a manifest wicked vntruth Wherevnto the said Titulary Bishop answered That all the best of them the irish knew well enoughe that his Maiesty had given them noe Comission att all But he confessed and sayd That one Plunckett had forged & counterfeited such a Comission & pretended it to be the kings Comission and that the Comon sort of people knew nothing but that it was really the kings Comission, and that induced & led them into those their forward actions and crueltyes
<Mr Dr J: Mr P>
Will: Stewart
Jur xijo Octobr 1643
Hen: Jones
Edw Pigott.
fol. 46r
fol. 46v
Sir William Stewart
Jur 12o Octobr 1643
Ex Cf17 7hand