Examination of Nicolas Worth
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fol. 354r
Nicolas Worth gent maketh oathe that Henry Worth of the county of Limbrick and realme of Ireland gent (haveing noe issue of his owne and being naturall vnkle to this Deponent) did about 9 yeares since (being then of perfect minde and memory) make his last will and testament in writing, and did thereby giue and bequeath vnto this Deponent all his goods, chattells, and personall estate after himselfe, and his wife, to the valewe of 300 li. at least, as was then computed and that the said Henry and his wife shortly after died and that the Irish Rebells haue gotten into their possession the said goods and chattells bequeathed as aforesaid and two geldings of this Deponents of the valewe of 20 li. and that by meanes of their rebellion this Deponent hath bin debarred, and hindered in the benefitt of 22 plough lands lying in the county of Clare and said realme of Ireland, which said lands ar of greate valewe by the yeare
Nicolas Worth
Jur 15 die Augusti 1650
John Page
fol. 354v
Mr Worthes his