Examination of Dauid Rawleigh
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=829367v243] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:29 AM
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fol. 367v
<B 3> The Examinacion of Dauid Rawleigh touchinge the aboue accusacion
The said Dauid saith that he neuer tooke any of the cowes aforesaid, and further saith that the Lord of Castleconnell sent him and thirtie more for the aboue Bartho: White and Carried him with his three sonns to the said lord of Castleconnell to or neere Carhinelish and left them with him, and that the said Lord commanded them to be hanged for the burninge ffanningstowne and Cnocknagransy; which he alleadged were burnt by them and [ ] that they were hanged at Ballinity a foresaid
These examinacions were taken of by me by order of the Gouernor of Killmallocke the aboue day as wittnes my hand
Th Komyns
<These are to Certifie that theese depositions weare taken by my order Ro: stamael>