Examination of William Fihile
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fol. 51r
<symbol> The Examinatione of William ffihile taken (concerning a suspicione of a murder) before the Commissioners of Revenue at Athlone the 21th of March 1652.
<A> This Examinate being duely Examined & sworne deposeth, that, about may last was two yeares, one Rory ô Naughten of Berryes neere Athlone in the County of Roscommon togither with, two more (vizt William Kelly of sonne of Connor Kelly of Corrindury, & fferrall Kigan of the same both in the County of Roscommon aforesayd) In Company with him, came to the house of Donogh o ffihile in of Berry-more afforesayd about six or seaven of the clocke in the morning, with Armes as skeanes & Pykes, pretending that they had orders from the prov o st Marshall of the County of Roscommon (to wit Mr William Moore of Clonebigny), to apprehend the body of the sayd donnell ffighile, because hee had something to reveale to the governour of Athlone, in behalfe of the state, & being demaunded who was then governour there hee Answereth, Livtenant Collonel Gore, And further sayth that the sayd Naughten & those in his company stayd in the sayd ffighiles house, where they sate uppe & [ ] all night; And that after they had eaten their breakefast, the next morning, they tooke the said ffighile out of the house, Pretending that they would take him to the sayd William Moore the provost Marshall And having taken him over a litle field of about two or 3 acres, slew him And leaving him dead in the place
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place with his throate & wynd pype cut, went away to Corrinderry, having first the [man] was Killed seyzed u- <C> pon foure Garrons & two Cowes, belonging unto the persons soe slaine which they tooke along with them his cause of Knowledge is that being brother to the party soe murthered & living at Killinure, hee heard the same [ ] afternoone that his brother was killed hee had notice of his death whereupon hee presently tooke his Journey to his brothers house & lying by the way in Athlone that night, before hee went upon the place next morning his brother was buryed, in the Church of Kiltoome, as those that came from the buriall told him [ ] And (having first seene the place in which his brother was slayne, being on the high way syde where hee did perfectly discerned & see the his blood in the place) hee sawe the grave where his brother was buryed, from whence hee returned home to Killinure & sayth that hee knoweth & verily beeleeveth that what hee deposeth is true, & further sayth not that there are severall persons hee verily beleeveth that can give cleerer evidence therein, then this deponent, amongst whom hee thinkes, that Rory ô ffihile, Margaret ni murrogh, Margarat Mabe, Donold & Teige ô ffihile, Teige ô Naughten and [ ] and Ellanor Weddish are materiall witnesses to this buissinesse & further sayth not.
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