Examination of Anie McBrehune
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fol. 61v
Bojle viijth of May 1653
<f> Anie Mc Brehune of Boyle aforesaid spinster aged thirty yeares or thereabouts deposeth that about six yeares since, she was in the house of Donnell mc Anogely in Baladeraowne, and heard Dennis Mc Anogely say that he himselfe in person was in Sarah Nicholsons house in the Boyle in Company with the rest of the Irish whoe Came thither & comitted the Murther vpon her the said Sarah, & sayed further that he neuer sawe of a woman a better souldier then her selfe, and further saith not.
Anie Breghunnes
marke [mark]
deposed before mee
Robert Parke:
fol. 62r
fol. 62v
The Deposition of
Mary ffarrell
Joane Barry &
Anie mc Brehune
& Examination of
Edmund ô Bane ô
Connellan Prisoner
for the Murther of
the Boyle.