Examination of Donnogh Kelly
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fol. 195r
The Declaration In formacion of Mr Donnogh Kelly taken uppon oath before v s me beinge one of the Comissioners for administracion of Justice in the precincts of Gallway the 12th of December 1652
<1o> The said Donogh saith that Captaine Daniell Mc fardoragha Kelly was at the takeinge of sargeant Rowland and twoe other English men that were in his company comeinge from the forte of Gallway, and that the said Captaine was then one of the Lord of Clanmoris his <A> troupe, and one of them that gaue the said sargeant and men Quarter, and seized on one of the said English men horses and Armes for his owne vse, And further saith that the said Captaine Daniell mc fardoragha Kelly, was one of the said Lord of Clanmoris his guard when the said sargeant Rowland & the rest were putt to death.
He further saith that Captaine Thomas mc ward murthered one named James ô Leyne in his owne howse as he satt by the fyer, vppon a bedd, And further saith that by Comon report he heard that the said Captaine had the vse of the said James ô Leynes wife, both before the death of the said James and after. And further saith that the said Captaine Thomas, beinge nowe married turned away his lawfull wife, and Keepes a concubine in her roome
fol. 195v
He further saith that Leiutenant Hugh Kelly called <B> one of the said Donoghs tennants named Bryan ô Manyn out of his owne howse, and uppon some words passinge betweene them, the said Leiutenant drewe out his pistoll, and shott the said Bryan ô Manyn to death, he beinge but a poore laborer, and bore noe Armes. whoe beinge examined further saith not.
Donagh Kelly
Deposed by vs
Robert Clarke
fol. 196r
fol. 196v
The Declaration Informacion of
Donogh Kelly against
Capt. Daniell mc fard:
Kelly, Capt: Thomas
mc ward & Lieutenant Hugh