Examination of Thomas Rose
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fol. 274r
<Gallway May 27o 1653> The Examination of Sargeant Thomas Rose taken vpon Oath before Robertt Clark Esquire one of the Justices of peace for the precinct of Gallway
<A> saith in June 1652 some of Collonel [ Robb ] Vllick oge fiz: sir Vllick Burke his men came to the towne of Killbegnett, and from thence tooke a prey of Cowes and Garrans, wheruppon this Examinant with three and twenty souldiers went to rescue the said prey, with some other of the Country men of this nation, whoe were not inlisted as souldiers, but had Armes from vs: of which souldiers six were Killed in the skermish and the rest being seauenteene taken prisoners; by the said Collonel Vllick his men; and two of the Countrymen, whereof one was named John boy ô Skingin, and the other this Examinant Knoweth not; the last wherof this Examant saw conueyed aside in the wood, with a wyth aboute his neck for to be hanged, as some <B> of the said Colonels party tould this Examinant; and doe veryly suppose it to be true; because the man neuer since returned to his former dwellinge, being within a mile to the place, where this Examinant is in Guarrizon, And the former being named John Boy ô Skinging was Kept in restaint for two nights and twoe dayes; and was afterwards hanged by the said Vlick his [ ] men; the cause of his Knowledg is that he was in place; and sawe him hanged; And being further Examined saith that he heard from one of the said Collonels seruants; that when the sa i the said Collonel swore vppon a book when the said John was taken he would hang him; and as this Examinant supposeth, was; least any of his freinds whoe were in the said Collonels regiment should mediat or intercede for him. Collonel Burk And being further Examined saith that Collonel Burk was Comaunder in cheife of the party that was then on the {the} Montaine. And further saith not
Tho: Rose
<Coram me Robert Clarke >
fol. 274v
fol. 275r
fol. 275v
Gallway May 27o 1653
The Examination of Sargeant
Thomas Rose
against Coll Vlick Burke