Examination of Brian Ballagh O’Roirke
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fol. 122r
The examination of Brian Ballagh O Rorik Esquire now Liweing at Cornelaght in the County of Letrim; Takne the 17o of May 1653
Brian Ballagh o Rork being examined, saith that he Liwed at the forsaid place in the begineing of the rebellion, and did now and than come to Sligo efter the surrendring thaireof, And that hee had no hand in any thing either in Councelling or asisting any of thes persones who wer att the taking of the towne, That he newer bore armes from the begineing of the rebellion vnto this day; And this examinantt further saith; That about the moneth of Januar in the year 1641, hee this examinant being afrayd of the excursions of the Garrison of Mannrhammilton did remowe with his familie and Cattle, and trawelling towards the County of Mayo, on Thomas Stewart merchant in Sligo sent vnto, this examinant, and desyred him to come to the towne of Sligo, and to interceid with Hugh o Connor and Charles o Connor brothers to O Connor Sligo, who had committed the said Thomas Stewart and the rest of the English that wer than in the towne vpon suspition of surpryseing the Castles; Whervpon hee, this examinant out of his reall respects to the said Thomas Stewart cam to Sligo, and found the said Charles o Connor Hugh o Connor, and the wyff of the said Thomas Stewart all togedder in the house of on Helein Trimble widow, and efter this examinant had interceided a long tyme with the forsaid Charles o Connor, and had spent some moneyes for wyn and other Liquor att that tyme vpon him and his company, yett was not able to prewaile for the enlargdment of the prisoner; and being further examined saith that hee had not so much as any conception that ewer they wold hawe presumed to hawe murdered him or any of the rest of the prisoners; so that this examinant saith hee came out of the towne that night and from that tyme he Left the County of Lettrim & Sligo and went towards the County of mayo wher this examinant setled himself, neither ewer returned here to the Contrey till till about the year 1652. In the moneth of May and further saith not;
Bria: O Rorike
Signed, and acknowledged before mee as wittness my hand:
Rich: Coote
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About the bysiness of Sligo
Bryan Ballagh o Roirkes
his deposition Examinacion