Deposition of James Martin
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:25 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 126r
The Deposition of James Martine now resident in Bellimagroertie in the County of Downegall taken at Sligo the 16o of May: 1653.
James martine being of the age of thrittie years or thaireabouts, being Duely sworne vpon the holy Ewangelist, sayeth that he Liwed with his father Arthur Martin Shoemaker in Sligo, att the begineing of this rebellion; And further deposeth that efter the Castles wer surrendered vnto the Irish, hee this deponent cam with his father back againe to thair dwelling house in towne, wher efter they had remained a tyme, this deponent vpon a certan day being att the Ston cross, vpon his way goeing towards the common goall whither hee was commanded to goe and watch that night, was forwarned by Thomas Dillon sone to Walter Dillon of the murther which was to be committed that night in the Gaole, and disswaded to go thither att all vpon any termes, whervpon, this deponent saith that he returned back againe to his fathers hous, and told his said ffather, who not Listening to his speech was conwoyed vnto the Goall wher he was murdered with the rest And this deponent being further examined who wer the principall actors in that murder, saith that Hugh o Connor Charles o Connor brothers to o Connor o Sligo and Hugh รด Galogher wer the cheif actors, and being further examined whidder they presumed of thamselwes to committ such a willany or wer <A> they prowocked and incoragded by others, sayeth that he cannot certanlie speak, but that hee was informed by his mother att that tyme that thair was a publick meetting of many of all the officers and commanders in the abbey of Sligo consulting what course they should tak with the English and protestants in the towne of Sligo, And that shee the said deponents mother was giwen to vnderstand [ti] by a poore beggar who sieing a great concourse of people in the abbey pressed in and Listened to thair discourse, and heard tham vpon that a resolution to putt all to the slaughter whom they should find in the towne which the said deponents mother told him befor any of tham wer putt in the Gaole, w h by which means this deponent with his mother and the rest of the familie wer preserwed; Butt this deponentt knoweth nott who thes officers and commanders wer who wer than in Councell within the abbey vpon the plott; and further this deponentt sayth not.
James Martyne
Signed, and acknowledged before mee as wittness my hand
Rich: Coote
fol. 126v
fol. 127r
fol. 127v
About the Murther of Sligo
James Martins examinacion