Examination of Thomas Morisse
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fol. 221r
Galway 8th of Sept 1652
The examination of Thomas Morisse of Galway merchant taken before vs Coll: Peter Stubbers Mr Robert Clarke two of the Commissioners for the Administracion of Juistice in the precincte of Galway
who being deposed saith that in the first yeare of the warrs he was by the Lady Bingam sent from this towne of Galway to Castell Barr in the County of Maio and being there about foure or fiue daies the Lo: of Maio Called Miles Bourke came with the an Army and besiged the same place, and the <A> reqvired the said Castell of the said Sir Henry, who by Capitulacion deliuered the said Castell to the said Lord Mayo and the said Lord Maio vpon the receaueing of the said Castell, did engage that the said Sir Henry Bingam with the rest of the English, in the said Castell which was about the number of foure hundred as the deponent conceaueth should be conuoyed men women, and Children to the forte, or gate of Galway wherevppon the said English marched fourth out of the said Castell disarmed by speciall order of the Lord of Maio, and that night, they came to Balkarra, where they were quartered that night with security, the second day they marched to Ballinrobe, which is eight miles from the said Balkarra, and came safe thither except some fewe who was stript on the roade. The tird third night they marched to the towne of Neale which is about two miles from Ballinrobe, where they were entertained with security that night Sir Henry Bingam fell sicke, not able to trauell, the next Morning they all marched from the Neale, except Sir Henry Bingham & his seruants, this deponent being one of them, and as he was enformed, they went to a place called Kinlagh & there remained that night, the next day they were returned to Shruell which is about two miles, out of theire way towards Galway, the and there remained that night, the next daie being vppon theire march towards Galway ouer the bridge of Shroull, weere ther some stript, some wounded and others murdered, and this deponent saieth that he being at the Neale attending Sir Henry Bingam as above said. did see some of the said English whom he knewe returneing through the said Towne stript & wounded who had escaped murthering, one of them was CalledBalife a drummer, who this deponent sawe at the Neale, about fiue dayes since and
fol. 221v
And this deponent being examined further saieth that the said English were Conuoyed to the said Shrouell by Miles Bourke foresaid and that Theobald Bourke son and heire to the said Miles, was with hes father, as one of the conuoye Lickewise Edmond Bourke of Clahons, Vlike Bourke aboutt Coinne John Bourke the place of his residence he knoweth not and further saieth that John Browne of the Neale, was Commaunded by the said Miles Bourke to goe alonge with him, as one of the said Conuay, who after some deniall went along with them, and returned againe to hes owne howse the day after, the said murther according to the best of this deponents remembrance, and he further saieth that there was liueing about thre daies since Mris Barnett who was one of the English stript and escaped with her Children and further saieth not
Thomas Marres
This Examination taken byIn the p[ ]Peter Stubbers
Robt: Clarke
Examinacion of Thomas Morish