Examination of Jeames Dexter
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fol. 224r
The Examination of Jeames Dexter taken before the Lord President of Connaught December the 13th 1652
Jeames Dexter being examined what British he knew that were <A> killd in Tyrawly in the first yeare of the Warre saith, that he knew one William oge Buchanan sonne to A miller was killd, by some of the Barretts men, but will neither say who killd them, nor who comanded the Men, and that the said William oges Mother, and sisters were likewise killd, but by whome he knoweth not, and saith he was notwithin two two mile of that place when the Murther was committed Being further examined whether he knew of the Murther of any other of the Brittish that was killd he saith he knew one William Lychman A smyth that was drowned with 4 or 5 more by the Inhabitants of that Country at Kilkally strand, but that he remembreth not any who comitted that murther but one Thomas o Murry who was killd about 3 yeares since at Knockroghry by some of the Parliaments Party, and being further examined th at whether he was present at the murther he confesseth he was, and did neither Endeavour to impede the same or diswade them from it.
Being Examined what became of Tho: Thomson his Owne servant Richard Cloggy, and Robert Ury of Raph ray saith that they made their Escape in A boate of his Owne unto Killebeggs and were murthered there by some of the Irish upon their landing. He further saith that he saw about Twenty of the Brittish betwixt the Abbey of Moyne & Ballysekery where they were gathered together by the Inhabitants of the Country and murthered there, kept but by whome the murther was committed he saith he knoweth not wil not confesse
Ja: Dexter
This examination was taken and subscribed before me the day & yeare above written
Cha: Coote
fol. 224v
The Examination of James Dexter December the 19th 1652