Deposition of Edmond Dooney alias Burke
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:27 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 259v
Edmond Dooney alias Burke of the age of 38 yeares or thereabouts saith that he Liued with my Lord of Maio at the tyme of the Murther of Shruell And that he was employed by the said Lord together with Miles Rochford to goe [ ] with the English and scothch to Gallway before which tyme Castle Barr was surrendered <A> to my Lord of Maio which said convayed the English & Scotch guarrisoned at Castlebarr to Belleacarrow where the examinate then was And in the Barrony of Kilmaine was mett or Belcarrow the said Lord was mett with by Sir Thibbott Bourke & sonn to the said Lord which of them this examina te <remembers not> and accompanied the said Lord as the examinate perfectly remembers to Shruell together with Mr Browne of the Neale
And this Examinate further sayth that the Lord of Maio when he called the examinate Maio vnto him gaue him fiue pound and bidd him deliuer the said fiue pound <B> to the Byshop of Killalloe when he should <parte> with him at Gallway fforte, and was <And Myles Rochfoord> alsoe bidd to cary with him the Byshops two daughters, And saith further that his said Lord told him at the same tyme that Edm he comaunded Edmond Burke of Cloghans who afterwards killed Bucanan did engage to see the English safely convayed to a certaine y place in the County of Gallway where a Company of Men was to meete them wherevppon Edmond Burke of Cloghans aforesaid, Myles Rochford, and the Examinate together with the English went ouer the Bridge of Shruell
fol. 260r
And alsoe a Company of foote belonging to the said comaunde <Edmond> along with them After they came over the bridge there was a shott made from betweene the <C> bushes, wherevppon the said Edmond Bourke drew out his sword, and strooke at
Wherevppon the Examinate spurred his horse, and ridd back downe to the Bridge with the Byshopps chyld behind him where he was charged with pike men at the County of Maio side of the bridge, and and saith that he saw none of them returne who went ouer the bridge And being endangered for his life by meanes of the said Pikemen he was rescued by Walter Burke Mc Rikurd McThomas Roe who who drew out drew out his sword who and made way for him the examinate, And haueing come cleare he meeteing with William Burke of Ballyhenie now prisoner at Galway to whome he gaue the child, that was behind him, & comeing a matter of <D> quarter of a myle from Shruell he mett with the said Lords footeman which foote man espyinge d a grey horse whichome he knew to be the horse that Bucannon ridd the same day which said horse be the said examinate bidd the foote <man> mounted the said horse which done the sai d footman and brought to the Andrew Lynch his house where my Lord of Maio then was
further saith that he saw the child that Myls Rochford aboue said had behind him at being the youngest of the two aforesaid at the said Andrew Lynch his house
Moreouer the examinate saith that there was no opposicion made to his knowledge by the Lord of Maio or his sonn Sir Thibott to the said Murther
Ed: Burke