Examination of Manus o Cahalan

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=834190r152] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:18 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-08-20
Identifier: 834190r152


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Louth & Monaghan
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: James Donelan
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 190r


The Examinacion of Manus o Cahalan L ate of CarrickmcRoss in the County of Monaghan gentleman taken before me James Donnellon Esquire one of the Commissioners for Administracion of Justice Oyer and Terminer and Goale delivery for the County of Lowth at Dundalke in the saide County the xxth daye of August 1652
Whoe beinge duly examined saith that he knew John Walmesley whoe in the begininge of the Rebellion at Lived at Cormoy within a myle of Peterstowne in the County of Monaghan but saith he did not knowne the name of the said Johne Walmesleyes eldest Sonn but saith that he knoweth that the said John had a Sonn, and this Examinant saith that on <A> the first daye of this Rebellion he was dwellinge at Peterborow with one Thomas Clark gent and that the saide first day of the Rebellion his said Master Thomas Clarke and this Examinant were both taken prisoners by the Rebells and were carryd as prisoners vnto CarrickmcRosse aforesaid and further saith that his Master John Walmesley Thomas Clarke Thomas Clarke the saide master John was hanged by the Rebells at [ ] fo wer miles at a place not farr from CarrickmcRoss and saith that before his said Master was hanged he this Examinant heard that John walmesley before named was allsoe hanged at Blishoge aforenamed in the sa id County which is about a mile & a half from Peterston aforesaide, And further saith beinge demaned whoe did hange the saide John Walmesley saith that one <B> Edmond mc Hugh mc Mahowne did hange the saide John by whose athorety this examinant knoweth not, but saith that the saide Emond shortly after the said Johns death entered into possession of the said Johns howse and Lands and further saith that he and his sonne Pattrick lived and dwelt vpon the premisses vntill the English forces reduced that Contry, and saith that soone after the death of the said John Walmesley, the said Walmesleys w ife came to CarrickmcRosse aforesaide & openely

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<C> Complained against the saide Edmond mc Hugh mc Maghon and Layde the death of her said husband vpon the said Edmond and saith that the said Edmond is since deade and that the said Pattrick was since killed, And further saith that he this examinant allsoe heard that the foresaide John Walmelesleye sonn beinge about tenn yeares ould was killed by one Donnell Boye o Lennan now of Kilcrony in the County of Lowth and saith that he this Examinant heard the saide Donnell Boye acknowledge the same and saith it was allsoe the generall report of the Contry that the saide Donnell Killed the saide Walmesley Sonn, and saith that the saide Donnell did confess to this Examinant that he killed him with a long skeane which he had in his hand and did showe the saide skeane vnto this Examinant about half a yeare after the killinge of the saide walmesleyes Sonn, and saith that the saide Donnell allsoe tould this Examinent that the saide Donnell Mett the said Walmesleyes runing Sonn goeinge toward Tradath and killed him vpon the highwaye and further saith that it was about a forthnight after begininge of the said Rebellion that the said Walmesleye Sonn was killed as aforesaide
Manus [mark] mcCahalans
Ja Donelan

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The Examinacion of
Manus mc Cahalan

Deponent Fullname: Manus o Cahalan
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Monaghan
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: John Walmesley, Thomas Clarke, Pattrick *, Edmond mc Hugh mc Mahowne, Donnell Boye o Lennan
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Rebel, Rebel