Examination of Mrs St Johns
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=836209r107] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:51 PM
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fol. 209r
the Informacion of Mrs St Johns whoe liues neere lurgan whoe saith
That Mrs St Johns of Tanregee beinge convoyd by Oghee O <D> Hanlon towards lisnegarvey one Phelemie Duffe mc Cormac O Neile whoe li u es neere lurgan now mett them by the way neer mullecartan, About tow Miles from lisnegarvey, and tooke from ther Companie Mr Parkins, and Mr John Draton, of Tanregee And Hangd them And further shee saith, that the said Oghee O Hanlan whoe Comanded that Convoy stood by, till they murthered Mrs ffrankland, Mrs Heywood, Gregory Coe and 14 persons more of the the Inglish at that time
Ould Richard Parre, & Richard Miles neere lisnegarvey Tho: and Jo: Spence now liueinge neere lurgan I suppose can discouer whoe murthered the families of the Bickerdikes & others at Charlemont { } neere tow yeares the same time
fol. 209v
[4309 ] 4213
{ }
Informacion about murde
rers giuen in by Alexander Gill
to Dr Jones
recorded 8 Aprill 1653
Patr: ô Dogherty
Neel ô Mallan
Toole mc Macan
Owen roe mc Keene
Sir William Brownlow to be confered
with about this when he brings
vp the other wittnesses touching the
Murders about Lurgan