Examination of Phelemy O Quin
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The Examination of Phelemy O quin aged as he sayeth 54 yeers taken the 5th May 1653.
Who sayeth that he neuer had command of soldiers but of men in his creatts, who wer under his command by directions from Sir Phelemy O neille, who gaue euery head of creatts orders to keep their men about them to be upon their guard to prevent <A> stealth and to [ ] preserue themselues. He farther sayeth that he knew John Brattin that he was a piper to his Brother Donoghie O Quin who had the lyke directions or orders from Sir Phelemy o nealle But went more frequently abroad then he this examinat; And that the sayd Brattin was a piper sometymes to him this examinat and his brother.
This Examinat farther sayeth That Mr Rolstons house was burnt, And That Sir Phelemy O neille had giuen orders <B> to dyuers and him this examinat to burne seuerall houses and Mr Rolstons in particular, But that he this examinat did not burne itt nor any other house.
This Examinat farther sayeth that sometyme he came to the Masse at Killmore church neere Ardmagh and that he hard of the killing of one Constante and that he was killed after he had fled away but who killed him, he knoweth not But that he heard it was one of the O hagans; And that he this examinat can proue [ to ] by seuerall men that he was at the church of Molabrack fyue myles from Kilmore foresayd that day that Constante was killed.
Phellyme O Qu{in}
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Phelemy O quin
his examinacion & confesion