Examination of Neece Mc Conwell
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fol. 256r
The Examinacion of Neece Mac Conwell of Killvltagh in the County of Antrim adged 26 yeares or thereabout, Examined before vs the 9th day of June 1653
Who Confesseth and sayth that at or aboute Allsaints next after All saints 1641 the Rebellion <A> in Anno 1641 hee this deponett Examinat was sent by Art og mac Genis, (when hee aproached within a myle of Lurgan, with a party of two hundred men & vpwards, of which nomber as Considerable men were Hugh o Lawry, Hugh Roe Magenis, Hugh mac Art Oge, ffardorgh mac Art Og ffardorgh mac Manus mans mac Genis, & others whome this examinant doth not well remember) to Sir william Bromlowe, & to mak knowne vnto him that hee the said Art Og mac Gennis, had a party of Armed men to take his Castle and Towne of Lurgan, if hee would not deliuer them vpp without Compulsion, wher which Messadge this Examinant deliuered accordingly to Sir William, wherevnto Sir William Bromlowe made Answeare, that the sayd Arte og Magenis and all his partye should bee hanged lyke Raugues and theeves as they are before that hee would deliuer either Towne or Castle vnto them, vpon which Answare this Examinant left Sir William Castle, and rested that night in the Towne of Lorgan, from whence <B> next day hee went to his ffathers house, aboute a Mile from Lorgan where hee stayd till the sayd Art sent for one to him, to knowe what Answare Sir William gave him (his the said Arts party party of [ ] that while dispersed aboute not far from aboute the said
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Towne) which Mes Answaere this Examinant ha u ing related to the sayd Arts servant, which he beeleues was accordingly tould to the said Arte, for that about 3 dayes after, the sayd dispersd partye were gathered to gether, whereof this Examinant sent brought noatice to the Tounes peeple of the Lurgan that the sayd partye were comeinge to burne that Towne, & that they should looke to themselvs, said but denys that he caryed any second Messadge to Sir William, from the said Art or from any of the sayd party, or that hee was at the towne when it was burnt, or was in the Company of those which entred into the the Castle, vpon agreement with Sir William for the surrender therof, nor doth he knowe of any Murder comitted at the burneinge of the towne, or when the Castle was giuen vpp vpon quarters nor since, sayinge that presently after he gaue notice to the Inhabitants of the towne, what was intended by the sayd Art & partye, hee went to his ffathers house & there stayd till after the towne was burnt & Castle giuen vp vnto the sayd Art & his & Company. And beinge demanded how it happend that the sayd Art made Choice of him to carry his Messadge to Sir William Bromlowe, hee sayth the sayd Art Magenis <sent> to this Examinants ffather to come to him to the leagor thes Examinants ffather, not willing to goe himself sent this Examinant to him, who beeing come to him the said Art, hee wisht or Commanded this Examinant to goe with the said Messadge, and that hee should not trust nor wish good to the English, vnto which the Examinant replyed I know nothing yett why I should doe soe And further sayth not.
Neec Mc Conuaile
taken by vs
Roger Lyndon John Reling
fol. 257r
9o May 1653 Collonnell Donnell Magis
his Examinacion .
9o Juny 1653
Neece Mac Conwell
his Examinacion.
fol. 257v