Deposition of Mary Rowane
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:27 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 112r
The examinatione and depositione of Marye Ro{wane} abowte 40 years owlde who beinge sworne before me this { } May 1653 saith
That abowte seede tyme was 10 years their came Donell O Gil{more} into Tho: Thomsons howse in the parish of [ ] Holly{wood} with eight or nyne more abowte 10 of the clock at night and asked Bessy Rowane wyfe to the said Tho: where hir money was, who answeared, that she had no{ne} but what she had she gave him beinge 3d and some tobaccoe, but not beinge content therwith, asked where was the rest of hir horde, and she said she had none, and seeinge the said Donell take hir husbande by the throote she desyred him to spare hir said husbande, hir selfe & children and take what they had, but he said he came not for that pretence whervppon he and the rest killed the said Tho: and his mother, the said Bessye & a little boy of hirs, and tooke with them many goods & more saith not
John Dallway Mayor
fol. 112v
The depositions of Jennett Dunne
& Mary Rowane against Donell O Gilmore
Donnell O Gillmore