Deposition of William Gregg
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:31 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 121r
<2>The Examinacion of William Gregg of Ballygelly in the County of Antrim yeoman, adged 60 yeares. taken before us the 16th of May 1653
<1> Who deposeth and sayth that in the winter 1641 there came <A> to this Examinants house in the night tyme a party of the Irish consisting of ffive in nomber, whereof Bryan รด Mulligan was one to this Examinants certayne knowledge, And Bryan Moder mac Gill one other of the sayd ffive persons, to the best of his remembrance and that one of the other three called Patrick Reagh Mac Gill (nowe dead) with his sword struck at this deponents head, which stroake this deponent tooke on his hand, as yett appeares, and therevpon scaped out of the Roome, And this Examinant further sayth that at that tyme (as hee was since Credibly tould) three persons were kild there that night whose names hee remembers not, but that there was of them two men, And lykewise sayth that Symon Wallas was with with Tenn more were alsoe Murdered that night ion Ballygally Hill, distant from this deponents house, aboute a Muskett shott
William Greg [mark] his marke
Sworne before vs
the day aboue mentioned
Rich Price
Roger Lyndon
Ja: Traill
fol. 121v
16o May 1653
The Examinacion of William
Bryan O Mulligan prisoner