Deposition of Patrick Mack Euer
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:44 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 123r
The Examination of Patrick Mack Euer of Doune taken the 3 May 1653
Who [ ] being (as he sayeth) aged about thirtye seauen yeers: Sayeth that about two yeers agoe he mett with Bryan Mackelhenny in portaferry and asked him when hee would make him reparacion repa for the goods he tooke from him, in the pace of Dundrum (this Examinant being one of those that then lost his goods there) That the sayd Mackelhenny did answer he would neuer gett any thing from him for that That this examinant replyed that may be you will be hanged for itt
This Examinant further sayeth that [ ] att that tyme when Serjeant Gettinbee was killed he was of the number that wer sett upon In the pace of Dundrum, by Bryan Mackelhenny, Neille O Dullochen Bryan Mc gowen Thomas mc Donnell and some others to about the number of ten, And that he this examinant was not neere to Serjeant Gettinbee when he was killed, but that he heard a shott and so begane to saue himself by flying, and was pursued about a mylle by Bryan Mc Gowen
Patrick Mc Euer [mark] his marke
Taken upon oath
by me
Ja: Traill
fol. 123v