Deposition of John Woll

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:43 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-05-27
Identifier: 837135r102


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Down
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Multiple Killing
Commissioners: [ ], George Rawdon
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 135r

The Examinacion of Captain John Woll taken before vs the 27th day of May 1653
Who sayth that in or aboute May 1643 Maior Keith haueing beene importuned by Mr Patricke Savadge of Portefferry, to receaue into protection affrind of his, one Sinicocke Savadge , then out <A> with the Irish, who would bring in with him a Considerable nomber of Cattell the sayd Maior Keith directed this Examinat then an officer vnder his Command, to take a party of souldiers with him, & to march to New Castle nere Dundrum; to meete the sayd Shinicock Savadge & to receaue him with what goods and ffollowers hee had to bring in, where meeting the said Shinicock the sayd Shinicock tooke this Examinat by the hand saying welcome Leutenant Woll nowe I am sure I am saffe, you shalbe saffe sayd this Examinat when I receaue further orders from my superiors, and asked the said Shinicock, howe stronge the Irish were in that parte, hee answerd this Examinat, that there were of them aboute threescore, and beeing demanded who came <B> to him with the sayd Shinicoke, hee sayth that hee sawe onely a boy with him: and fallinge into further discourse, the sayd Shinicocke desired this Examinat that hee would allowe of 5 or 6 of his followrs to come in with him for that sayd the sayd Shinicocke alleadged that Mr Savadge of Portefferry had prevayled with Maior Keith that soe many should come in with the sayd Shincock, vnto which this Examinat replyed

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that vnles hee sawe his Maiors order to that purpose hee would not and withall tould the sayd Shinicocke, that if any came in with him in that kinde without orders hee would not secure them from the party or Garrison <C> but they to stand to the hazard themselves The Examinat beeinge demannded whether hee did knowe Patrick O Lenan, Henry Rocher Patrick mac Lee & Richard mac Dehin or any of them hee sayth hee did not know any such men, soe called, And beeinge demanded who or how many of Shinicocks followers did venture to come in with him from the Irish hee sayth as hee remembrs the nomber of Six, whereof hee sayth that soone after two of these persons about 4 or dayes after [ ] went fourth againe to the Irish. And whether the sayd Patrick o Lennan & the other three aboue named, were the 4or that stayd within, hee knowes not. This Examinat further sayth that the said 4or persons which did stay in hee were goeing and cominge aboute the Towne of Ardglas, till that he heard they were kild, by some souldiers of his Maiors company <D> then vnder the Examinat Command in the Garison of Ardglas: And sayth that one Robert Merryman desird this Examinat that the said 4or persons should help to burne wrake for Mr Houston: which this Examinat would not doe, hee saying that hee would not haue any medling with them one way or other till hee the had receaued orders concerning them

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This Examinat Confesseth and sayth that aboute 5 dayes after the sayd Robert Merryman, would haue those 4 men imployed in burninge of wrack to make kelpe, <E> hee this Examinat gaue orders to the souldiers then in Garrison at Ardglas & vnder his Comannde, that they should goe, & slaye the sayd 4or persons and all other loose people in the towne & aboute it, that had noe protections, And sayth (that for Shenicock Savadge hee had allowance from the sayd Maior to goe into the Ile of Man; which is the cause hee was not cutt of with the rest./
This Examinat denyes that hee had any Cowes from any of the sayd 4or persons slayne, nor that that hee this Examinat euer promised to protect them
This Examinat denyes that hee euer protected Cormicke mac Guire, but sayth that the sayd Magwire, did allwayes contyneue, goeinge & coming to Ardglas till hee was kild, This Examinat denyes that hee <ff> did euer send him with a boate to Ile of man, Only but sayth that hee heard that Magwire, was at sea in a boat, & turned back by a Contrary wynde to Ardglas and beleeues that hee was in the same boate that Shenicok Savadge was intendinge for Ile of Man, hee this Examinat sayth that the said Cormick was after his returne from sea Murdered in Ardglas but by whome hee knowes not, nor by what directions./ And further sayth not
John [mark] Woll his mark
taken before vs
Geo Rawdon
[ ] [ ]

fol. 136v

27o May 1653
Captain John Wolls Examinacion
Concerning the Murders
at Ardglas

Deponent Fullname: John Woll
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Captain
Deponent County of Residence: Down
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Maior Keith, Patricke Savadge, Robert Merryman, Mr Houston, Shinicock Savadge, Patrick O Lenan, Henry Rocher, Patrick mac Lee, Richard mac Dehin, Cormicke mac Guire
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim