Examination of Robert Welch
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fol. 180ar
The Examination of Robert Welch of Sale taken the 3 May 1653
This Examinat being aged as he sayeth about sixtye yeeres sayth that he liued in Sale att that tyme when the last Rebellion begane and upon further Interrogatories he sayeth that he mett with Richard Craddell of Doune att Richard Cusacks house neer Sale, about foure <A> or fyue weekes after the giuing up of the l: Cromwells house, And that the sayd Richard Craddell asked him this Examinat, where he ghad the suit of red cloath which he had upon him That this Examinat anseered that he had gotten the Red Casacke on him from Richard Cusacks wyfe his this Examinats sister=daughter
And being further asked what he knowes concerning the passages in <B> Doune at that tyme, when the Irish party came into the toune vnder the command of the l: Eueagh sayth that he this Examinat, came to Doune from Sale seuerall tymes to learne how matters went, being there in allowed by his Master, Mr Rob: kinnistonne [ ] who then was upon his defence in Sale; And that he this Examinat, was [for] dyuers tymes committed by the sayd Irish party as a spye but after, through the Meanes of some acquaintance in the sayd party was dismissd, And that then he heard saye that the Irish party had killed dyuerse woemen in the toune of Doune
Robert Welsh
Taken upon oath before me
the day aboue mentioned
Ja: Traill
The sayd Examinat being further asked who was there of the Irish were in the toune att the tyme when Doune was burnt and the l. Cromwells house burnt, sayeth that he heard that Donnell Mc Gennis was these <C> and was sent pledge to Killeleah for performance of the Articles made with those that were in the l Cromwells house And he further sayeth that hee heard that all the Mackartans were lykwayes there as [ ]
Robert Welsh
fol. 180av