Examination of Rory Duffe McCormock
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fol. 44r
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<A> The Examinacion of Rory Duffe McCormock taken before mee Richard Brasier Esquire Maior of Colerane one of the Justices of the Peace for the Province of Vlster the 13th of June 1653
The said Examinant being duely Examined saith that hee did not murther John Hilkons, neither was within fiue miles when the fact was co{m}mitted, but he beleeues he was killed by som{e who} came downe after the breake of Garvagh {} this Examinant further saith that he did not bur{ne} houses or stackeyards within the Parish of {} & was then noe nearer the rockes of D{} where he was keeping his Master (Tr{istram} Beresford Esquire now deceased) his Catt{le} {} that he doth not know who burnte the s{ame} And further he saith not./.
Rich: Brasier Major
fol. 44v