Examination of Thomas Boyd

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=838052v074] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:27 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-03-01
Identifier: 838052v074


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Antrim
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Killing, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: Richard Brasier, Thomas Coote
Deposition Transcription:

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The Examinacion of Thomas Boyd of Lisconan in the parish of Derrickighan Gent taken before vs the first day of March & the yeare abovewritten
<19> Who being duely sworne & examined saith That upon the 4th day of January 1641 or thereabouts being a day or two after Portnaw Murder this Examinante entred the house of Ballentoy the which <C> house was then Commanded by Mr Donnell McNeile vpon the Thursday after being about the sixth day of the same Moneth the Enemy approached being commanded by James McColl McDonnell Allester McDonnell Gilduffe ô Cahan John Mortimer & others their Irish Confederates consisting of the number of about 1500 men with fifteene Colours Which James McDonnell wrote two severall letters to those who comanded the said house of Ballentoy to surrender the same house by the first letter threatening them to surrender it otherwise he would pull them out by the nose, by the second letter offering quarters to all Bootemen & highland men which letters being rejected a party <f> was sent of the Irish under the Command of Gillduffe ô Cahan to assault the Church of Ballentoy, which party killed one woeman through a spike hole in the Church wall by shooting her through the head That the same party was beaten of with the loss of three men, Gilduffe ô Cahans headpiece being battered & beaten in with a Cast of a stone from some in the Church as alsoe one John Delapp was killed neere the said Church


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<g> Church by the said Party And further this Examinante saith that a second party was sent vnder the Command of John Mortimer vnto Horribane a rock where vnto the poore Brittish fled where he & his party stript them of all their goods & clothes; The next day there came two boats out of the Isle of Raghrie with men & Armes which the Garrison of Ballentoy apprehended & tooke & brought into the house of Ballentoy; Which boats with the said men & Armes the said McDonnell McNeale & the laird of ffreagh with their friends the next day tooke away from Ballentoy & carryed into the said Isle of Raghrie, And further this Examinante saith that Gilduffe ô Cahan Henry McHenry & Tirlagh oge ô Cahan about the fifteenth day of ffebruary 1641 being about fouer daies after the Murder in the lainy called black Friday did send a letter vnto the Garrison of Ballentoy to surrender the house which very letter being now shewed vnto this Examinante for further proofe he referrs himselfe therevnto And further this Examinante saith that their said letter being sheighted by the said Garrison, soone after James McColl McDonnell <H> Gilduffe ô Cahan & his sonnes Tirlagh, Manus & Connogher, Donnell grome McAllester & Coll McAllester his brother with about eight Companies came against the said house of Ballentoy bringing with him a sow of Timber & a brasse piece beareing a bullett of five or six pound waitt with which they shott twice against the said house & brought the said sow within a Muskett shott of the house where the Axletree broake & they therevpon retreated. ffurther this examinante saith That Tirlagh oge ô Cahan soone thereafter assaulted the Church of Ballentoy with his owne Company & digged out a peice of the wall but was beaten of And That Donnell grom{e} McAllesters Company whereof Coll McAllester was Lieuetenant was at the same time lying within halfe a mile or thereabouts of the said house & Church to give the said Tirlagh oge assistance & hinder the Garrison from sallying out. ffurther this Examinante saith That the said Gilduffe & Tirlagh oges men killed at severall times Donnell McKay & a Man & boy & two woemen (whose names he doth not certainly know) & one James Kerr &


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his sisters sonne within two miles, & neerer vnto Ballentoy And further he saith not

Tho: Coote
Rich: Brasier Major

Deponent Fullname: Thomas Boyd
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Antrim
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: James McColl McDonnell, Allester McDonnell, Gilduffe , John Mortimer, James McDonnell, Henry McHenry, Tirlagh oge , Manus , Connogher , Donnell grome McAllester, Coll McAllester, John Delapp, Donnell McKay, James Kerr
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim