Examination of Keane O Hara

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=838125r189] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:24 PM

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Identifier: 838125r189


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Antrim
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing, Robbery, Succour
Deposition Transcription:

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The Relation of Keane O Hara:
Sayth that on that Sunday being the twenty eight of November 1641 that Sir Phelym O Neill set vpon Lisnegarvy this Examinante being left in trust to keepe Mr Michell Doynes house at Knockearne one fulton liueing not farre from the sayd Mr Doynes and haveing his Cattle taken away by the Irish, procured one Capten Hamilton and some Scotts about the six mile water to see if they Could recouer hes Cattle or prey the Irish as he is enformed, wherevpon this Examinante, about seauen or eight of the Clocke in the morning heard the Alarum neere Knockarne, And therevpon the sayd Mr Dayne sent this Examinantes with Collonell Chichesters Protection to wish the sayd Scotts to Come to his house, who accordingly perswaded them to Come for that the Irish would be too strong for them, and that if they would Come they should haue satisfaction for any wrong offered them, And when thes Examinante perceaued the Irish & Scotts drawing neere one another he went away from them and Came home but, found not his master at home, and so went backe againe to follow the Scotts but before he could Come vp to them they had had A skirmish and some of the Scotts were killed to the number of twelue or thirteene as he heares, And sayth that the persons of the Irish party that he knowes to be at the sayd skirmish, was one Walter Bethell <A> Tirlogh O Boghuie, Murogh Doogh O Neill Shane O Quyn, Owen: boy O Quyn, Neill McCan Owen McCan & Donnell McCan James Savadge & Owen Savadge & Owen O Cassidy And being demaunded what Scotmen were at the sayd Skirmish sayth

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that as he came backe as aforesayd he found one Michall Poole wounded whom he tooke & brought into A neighbours howse, and sayth that the sayd Michell is now liueing at Killylegh or Kilmackevett, and sayth that three of the fulltons one whereof liues neere Belfast And were there likewise, and that one Rory o Cane who liues neere Mr Abreylow was there with the Scots party likewise And further sayth that this Examinant Walter Bethell aforesayd Tirlogh Begluie & Mr Humphrey Sexton went that night away from there houses and the next day went with Mr Doyne to Ballinderry and from thence over the band river to the Irish And being demaunded whether he knoweth that Walter Bethell were at the fight he sayth that he is not yet certayne, but was enformed so, And further sayth that when he has better brought things to his memory hee wll giue such farther intelligence & information as he can

Kevin o Hara his marke

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{} Kene O Haras Information

Mich: Duyn

Deponent Fullname: Keane O Hara
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Antrim
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Phelym O Neill, Walter Bethell, Tirlogh O Boghuie, Murogh Doogh O Neill, Shane O Quyn, Owen: boy O Quyn, Neill McCan, Owen McCan, Donnell McCan, James Savadge, Owen Savadge, Owen O Cassidy, Michell Doyne, Capten Hamilton, Collonell Chichester, Rory o Cane, Mr Abreylow, Tirlogh Begluie, Humphrey Sexton, Michall Poole
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Victim