Examination of Con O Sheale
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fol. 153r
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The Examinacion of Con o Sheale of Derlaghy in Com: Antrim husbandman Aged 36 yeares or there a boute taken at Lisnegarvy the 21 of Aprill 1653
Who saith that a litell after the Rebellion vpon the 8th of June 1641 there came to his howse a company of Scotch men & this Examinant being with out he did run away and att night he came to looke for his wife & children whome he found killed in the feilds a littell from his howse & afterwards he came to one John Longan (a neighbour of his) who did keepe this examinant hid 3 dayes & nights vnder some Corne & afterwards sent him safe to Carrickfergus with a guard to Collonell Hills howse And being demanded if he knew who these Scotch men were <A> saith he did not for that hauing intelligence of there coming before he ran away but hard that his father Teige o Sheale was brought out of his owne howse by Ensigne Ladder & others to John Marshalls howse where he was that night wounded and left for dead and striped & his body throwed vpon the Dunghill but afterwards got vp in the night & went to the howse of one Dauid Beard who releiued him & had his wounds dressed & preserued him that night in a kill and put a Caddow aboute him & the said Teige went the next day to see what was done at his owne howse & finding none left there went into a littell Cottage hereby, & lighted a littell straw to make him selfe a fier & as this Examinant hath hard James Browne sone of Robert Browne & one Robert Glaskow liuing in Larne coming by & seeing the smoke they went in & shot & the said James (as he hath hard) shot & killed the said Tige
<John Browne Rob: Glaskow>
fol. 153v
4142 4236
& tooke away the [ ] [ ] which said Cado as he [ belea ] hath heard was delivered to the said <Dauid> Beard of Late