Examination of William Hill
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fol. 204r
<A> The Examination of William Hall of Redbay aged about fourty fyue yeares taken the 7 Ma{ 1653}
<6.> Who sayeth that in the yeer 1641 this Examinant { } in the towne of Carickfergus after the Irish Re{bell}ion begun, hard by report that there was a great Murther Comitted in the Ridbay and as he was informed it was foure persons which acted the same And as he hard one Neill Mckreinke had bein dryeing oatts at a kill neire hand by and that one of the personns who Comitted the same murther was due to McKreink some money, and demanding sattisfacion from his partie, said he had no money but wold giue him goods wherevpon they agreed for a paire of Scotts plaids which belonged to one of the murthered personns And sayeth that one Owen keigh <B> McCauleyVaugh comeing from the strande, Regrateing the said murther, told he knew none of the actors thereof but Neill McKreinke
William Hall
G Blundell
Ja: Traill