Examination of John Peter
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 225r
3792Aprile May the 7th 1653
The Examination of John Peetter of Glenarme aged about fortie yeeres
<16> Who being Examined sayeth that in the yeere 1641 the 10th day of Janwary or thereby one ffellomie mcEuire now in prison was at the drowneing of Seavin personns at the bridge at Glenarme which personns wer the wife of William Simps{on} & her foure Children with two other strangers whose names he knew not: And he further sayeth tha{t} {he}saw the foresayd seauen persons throwen ouer the bridge of Glenar{me} into the riuer. And that the sayd Phelemie McEuire was all then upon { } bridge, and this examinat sayeth, that he saw the sayd McEuire after a litle w{ }
<at the river syde and push off with his pyck one boye, who by sweemming and the current of the water was come to a stone which he layd hold on
John Peter
G. Blundell
Ja: Traill>
<17.> Alsoe the said John Peetter further sayeth that { } hard by Comon report amongst the Irish and Sp{ }lly by one Jane Hunter who was prisoner with th{} that John McKentie now prisoner with seuerall o{thers} in his Companie Murthered one John Hutchesone and his mother and family then dwelling at Carnallagh mill in the Baronie of Glenarme
John Peter
G. Blundell
Ja: Traill