Examination of Katerine McGarry
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fol. 247r
The examinacion of Katerine McGarry of Glinauy in Com: Antrim aged six & twenty yeares or thereabouts taken 10 May 1653 taken vpon oath
Who saith that she Liued vpon the towneLand of Dallidauy in Com: Downe being in the parish of Holliwood in the begining of the Rebellion & some of the Inhabitants of Holliwood came one day & killed one of the Tennents vnder Brian o Gilmore who was chiefe of the Irish which liued there vpon with the said Brian went vnto my old Lord Hamilton vpon whose Land they dwelt to gett a warrant from him that none should molest them which he granted & signed it vnder his owne hand & also two Captens of the Hamiltons signed it & the said Brian receiued verball orders from the said Lord that all such Irish as liued neare to him & were vnder him should repaire to the said Brians house & liue thereabouts lest they should liue scattering from one another & soe some of them might miscarry which orders they obeyed & gathered about the said Brians house where they all resided then vntill a party of the Scotch about three dayes after came to the said Brian o Gilmores who was caried away himself & his wife by a Couple of the Scotts to Bangor where they were putt into the Constables hands & who had also this said warrant Proteccion of my Lord Hamiltons requireing that none should molest him & the rest of his Tennents but in the Euening following they came into the houses of the said tenants vnder Brian O Gilmore where they were eating & drinking & also stripped all the said Irish & about midnight one And: Hamilton of the ffort came about the said houses where he shott a pistoll of which this examinant doth belieue was the signe when the said Scotts should fall in in murdering these Irish which was noe sooner heard by them but they fell vpon the said Irish & killed of them to about the number of sixty vizt Turlagh o Gilmore Donell o Gilmore Gildee O Gilmore James O Gilmore Manus O Gilmore Tho: O Gilmore Hugh O Gilmore Edm: O Neesan
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Shane O Gilmore Henry O Gilmore Patt: McGee McHenry McGee & seuerall others to the said number of <B> sixty of men woemen & Children whose names she cannot remember And being demanded what Scotts was there that she heard of or knew saith she saw James Johnson elder & younger & the said And: Hamilton John Watt Rob: Bernes who was one of the chiefe actors who kild a great part of the said number with a Sith & she saith herself escaped by being sent out of the house where she [ ] hid & found by him to fetch some water for one of the Scotts who was exceeding thersty [ ] neuer returned vnto him againe & her brother she saith was saued by one And: Scott Constable who was in the company who did indeuour to saue the lifes of such Irish as were there & did saue this examinants brother by putting a Bonnett vpon his head & she further saith that the said one Thomas Gilmore escaped out of a house where the said Scotts were murdering & hid himself in a wood hard by where he was found by one Capten Hamilton & by him deliuered to one Rob: Jackson Constable to carry him to my old Lord Claneboyes where vpon the way the said Jackson killed him
Katherin McGarry her marke
Geo: Rawdon
Ja: Traill
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Katerin McGarryes examinacion
And: Hamilton
Jam: Johnson elder & younger
John Watt Rob: Bernes
Rob: Jackson