Tag Cloud Visualisations
Many Eyes uses Java and Flash technology. You may need to download the latest Java plug-in (www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp) or the latest version of Adobe Flash Player (get.adobe.com/flashplayer/) to see the visualizations.

A Tag Cloud is a visualization of word frequencies. These Tag Cloud visualisations enable you to see how frequently words appear in a given text. The size of the word corresponds to the number of times the word occurs.
Tag Cloud visualisations are useful for tracking the frequency of words used in the corpus. They also provide a means of investigating spelling variants of key words. In addition, the visualisations allow the use of word pairs to be tracked, which is a particularly useful means of uncovering formulaic usages in the corpus.
See below for instructions on using this visualisation.
Select the Deposition Collection you wish to visualise from the list below:
How to use:
The Tag Cloud visualisations provide a visual representation of word frequency in the Deposition sets. The visualisation strips out punctuation, and does not display common English words. The remaining words are displayed as tags - visual representations where the size of the word indicates the frequency with which it occurs in the text.
To look for specific tags in the Tag Cloud, click on the search box in the toolbar, and begin typing your search term. As you type, the Tag Cloud is refined to show only tags beginning with the letters you've typed.
By hovering your mouse pointer over a tag you can see information about the number of occurrences of the word, and some of the contexts in which it is used. Clicking on a tag highlights it.
By selecting the 2 word option on the visualisation toolbar you can look at the occurance of pairs of words within the Deposition set.