Information of Hughe oge McMayonn

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:15 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1641-10-23
Identifier: 809015r004


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Dublin
Deposition Type: Information
Commissioners: Adam Loftus, John Borlase, John Temple, Robert Meredith, Thomas Dillon, Thomas Rotheram, William Parsons
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 15r

23 octobr: 1641
The examjnacion of Hughe oge mc Mahonn of Connagh in the Countie of Monaghan esquire aged 35 yeares or therabouts taken before the right honorable the lords Justices and Councell
<K> The said examinat saith that hee thincks there wilbee trouble this day throughout all the Kingdome of Ireland, and that all the fortifications of Ireland wilbee this day taken, as hee thincks, and hee saith that hee thincks that it is soe farr gon by this time, that all Ireland cannot helpe it, <L> Hee saith that hee was tould this by Capten Brian o Nele, Hee saith that Capten Brian o Nele and Capten Hughe Birne were designed for surprising the Castell of Dublin, and that if hee this examinant were one for surprising the Castell of Dublin; those 2 Captens were <M> principalls therin, Hee saith the place of meeting was to bee at the examinants lodging,

fol. 15v

<N> Hee saith that 20 prime men out of every County in Ireland [was] were to bee at Dublin this last night concerning this matter, and that they were to consult of it this morning, at the examinants lodging, There Their weapons were to bee swords and skenes, and that the Captens that <O> were raising men in the Irish contreyes were they, that they should send men thether, to second the busines, he saith when they had Dublin they made sure of the rest and expected to bee furnished with more Armes at <P.> Dublin, Hee said I am now in your hands, vse mee as you will I am sure I shalbee it wilbee shortly revenged [ ] And beinge demaunded whether The L Maguire was one appointed to this busines he at last said he thought he was.
W: Parsons Jo: Borlase
Th Dillon. Ad Loftus J Temple
Tho: Rotherham Rob Meredith

fol. 16r

fol. 16v

23 oct 1641
Examjnacion of Hughe oge
Mac Mahown

Deponent Fullname: Hughe oge mc Mahonn
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Esquire
Deponent County of Residence: Monaghan
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Brian o Nele, Hughe Birne
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel