Examination of Robert Cooly
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=812151r147] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:41 PM
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fol. 151r
<P> Robert Cooly of the age of 22 years son to the other Examynant sayth that he hard james talbot say that he lived at castell talbo{t} and that Sir Robbert talbot being informed that meryons towne was set a fiar he and all his sarvantes and famyly left his hows and rid to the mountayns, james talbot being as he sayd there at the same tyme went along with hym/ and further sayth that he hard talbot say that hee dined on crismas say last with collonell Nicholas Sutton at typpaer a myle from the naas sayth further that he sawe the letter that talbot writ writ to dublin and as far as this Examynant remembers it was to a knight that lives in copper ally to com to hym according to promys vnto whom this talbot sayd he had sent a letter the day before by his man sayth to have hard james talbot say that he sawe the rebells run at ballysonnon and, that there were three better head left dead vppon the place then those owr men cut of and carried home with them and more sayth not
[Depositions of Silvester Cooly and Lawrence Floyd appear on the same folio: endorsement on
fol. 152v