Examination of Silvester Cooly

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=812151r146] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:41 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-04-23
Identifier: 812151r146


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Carlow & Killkenny
Deposition Type: Information
Nature of Deposition: Information
Commissioners: Francis Willoughby
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 151r

Examynations taken before me Sir ffrancis willoughby knight on the 23th of Aprill 1642 conserning James Talbot
<N> Silvester Cooly Clarke sayth that 14 dayes before crismas last he beeing at home at his owne howse in ballymoore Ewstace he sawe james talbot with three other on hors backe ride close by this Examynantes doore and well knowing james talbot and on of the other horsmen by name tibbot welche whom this Examynant asked what james talbot did that way, the sayd welch made Answere that the sayd talbot came from tredach this Examynant replied this is the contrary way from tredache the said welch replied that they had layne the night before at dudly danyells at tolfarris in the County of wickloe, and soe parted from each other, this Examynant sayth that after he was <O> parted with this welch he went in to the towne to see if James talbot made any stay there or not & finding they made none, this Examynant went to the portriefe of ballimore Ewstace and asked them if James Talbot had any Office amongst them, the portrife sayd he was a Captain. this Examynant asked whoe made hym on the portrife sayd he knewe not further sayth that the man that keepes the Ale howse at tallow where james talbot alighted toeld this Examynant that talbot desired a messenger to carry a letter for hym to dublin vppon which the man of the howse sayd why will youe have a messenger when youe your selfe are going thither, talbot sayd I am loath to goe to dublin, this Examynant saythe alsoe that he hard james talbot say he sawe the rebbells run away at ballisonnon and more sayth not

[Depositions for Robert Cooly and Lawrence Floyd continue on the bottom of the folio: endorsement on

fol. 152v


Deponent Fullname: Silvester Cooly
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Clerk
Deponent County of Residence: Unknown
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: james talbot, tibbot welche, dudly danyells
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned