Examination of Peeter Moore
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The Examination of Peeter Moore, aged Eighteene yeares, taken before vs mee
Who beeing sworne & Examined, saith, that hee beeing a Servant in the house of Sir Nicholas White knight att Leslipp, hee there saw att seuerall tymes since the present Rebellion att Masse, with the said Sir Nicholas White in the Hall of the said house, One Captaine Eustace, & one Captaine Allen, who were by the said Sir Nicholas & his ffamilie knowne to bee Captaines of the Rebells. And the said Captaines had there servants attending on them. One of the said Captaine Allens servants was armed with a Holberd a sword & a Skeine, And that the said Captaines would sometymes remaine in the said Sir Nicholas Whites house three or ffoure houres together And that about Christmas last Hee this Examinant saw two great trunckes brought in a Cart vnto the said house of Leslipp by one Captaine Talbott who was attended by certaine of the Rebells vnder the commaund of Captaine Eustace which Trunckes were brought into the Hall of the said house in the presence of Sir Nicholas his Ladie and of young Mr Nich: White And were afterwardes by the helpe of the said Sir Nicholas his servants remoued, one vnto the topp of the Staires leading vnto the Vpper Roomes And the other into the entrie
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betweene the Hall & the Kitching One of the said Trunckes haueing two lockes & the other three And further saith that Companies of the Rebells haue theire Lodgeing meate & drink in the Towne of Leslipp sometyme a weeke together And that One Robert ffyann & one Butler & sundrie of the Inhabitants of the said Towne Tennants vnto Sir Nich: White haueing removed theire Corne vnto Sir Nicholas Whites owne backside doe when they are called vpon ioyne with the Rebells and goe along with them as part of theire Companie And that some few daies before the said Sir Nicholas Whites going from Leslipp vnto Dublin, (there beeing a report that the English Army was to march that way) The said Rebells, tennants vnto Sir Nicholas in the said Towne craved leaue of him & his Ladie to bring more of theire Corne into the said Backside And accordinglie libertie in that behalfe was granted vnto them And alsoe saith that Nicholas Browne, Shane Duffe, & one Connor, all household servants to the said Sir Nicholas are persons who waite on the English Armie whensoeuer the same moues abroad & carry Intelligence & notice vnto the Rebells of what they can observe or heare And that the said Sir Nicholas hath in his said house two Preistes one called Dese & the other ffoord which Preistes doe often repaire vnto the Rebells And the said ffoord vpon euerie report or intelligence given him from this Cyttie of
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the Kings Army going abroad hee would in all hast rides out to giue the Rebells notice thereof, which the said Examinant often heard the said ffoard speake when hee this Examinant was helpeing the said ffoard on with his Bootes & Spurrs And this Examinant further saith that on Christmas Eue last att night after Cockcrowing Sir Nicholas White Knight the Ladie White Young Mr Nicholas White and the forenamed Captaine Allen a Captaine among the Rebells with sundrie of the Townesmen who were alsoe in rebellion were together att Masse in the Hall of Leslipp And the said Parties did there meete againe the next Morneing beeing Christmas daie.
Rob. Meredith
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The Examination of
Peeter Moore concerning
Sir Nicholas White