Examination of Thomas Ash
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The Examination of Thomas Ash of the Naas in the Countie of Kildare gentleman, taken before vs Sir Robert Meredith knight one of his Maiesties Justices of the Peace for the Countie of Du b lin the ixth the ixth day of ffebr 1641, By direction of the right honnorable the Lordes Justices & Councell.
Who beeing sworne & Examined saith, that the Rebellion in the Countie of Kildare broke out, vpon report and notice taken, that the Lordes of the Pale had declared themselues to ioyne with the Northerne Rebells: And that therevppon vpon the said notice there came from Raccredon, where Mr ffitz Garrald of Allen then lay, vnto the Souldiers garrisoned att the Naas vnder the command of the said Mr ffitz Gerrald, one of the Sonnes of Patricke Scurlock of Raccredon aforesaid, who together with the said Souldiers, vnder the command of Mr ffitz-Garr ald of Allen, & certaine vnder v nder his owne commaund, rifled all the English Inhabitants of the said Towne of the Naas, and thence departed with the kinges Armes into the Countie to doe the like there, & doe now continue in Rebellion, & within few dayes after there came into the said Countie of Kildare, Roger Moore, & by his solicitation, there was a meeteing of sundrie of the gentlemen of the said Countie, who together with the said Roger Moore, nominated and appointed the seuerall parties heerevnder named, vnto the places and imployments
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following Namelie those whose names ensue to bee Collonells vizt Roger Moore of Ballina, Peirce ffitz-Garrald of Ballisonan, Maurice Eustace of Castle Martin, Nicholas Sutton of Tipper, Garrald Talbott, Hugh Birne & Lisagh Moore who executed ther said imployment authoritie acordinglie before the first of this month of febr They further appointed those whose names ensue to be Captaines; Namelie, Walter Eustace of Mullaghcash, Christopher Eustace of Newland his second Sonne, Richard ffitz-Gerrald of Oldtowne Owldtowne, Christopher Ashbound of Tymolin, Phillipp fflatsburie of Johnston, Thomas Scurlock of Racredon, Oliver Owgan of the Downinges, John Lattin of Mooreston, Captaine Donnell, John ffitz-Garrald of Monsin his eldest sonne, Thomas Owgan of the Downeings, Garrald Sutton of Richardston, John ffitz-Garrald of Kildare his eldest Sonne, John Lehe of Rathbride, Maurice ffitzGarrald who now execute theire said imployment of the Graggs, & John Cardiffe of Cardiffestowne who now execu te theire said imployment They likewise further appointed those whose names ensue, to bee of the Councell of warr vizt Sir Andrew Aylmer, Sir Robert Talbott, Nicholas Wogan of Rathcoffie, William ffitzGarrald of Blackhall, Edward Dungan of Blackwood, George Aylmer of Hartewell, James fflattesbury of Drinanstowne, Beuerly Britton of the Lyons, Maurice ffitz-Garrald of Osberstowne, Christopher Eustace of Newland, who haue executed the saide imployment author i tie accordinglie And that the said Councell of warr before the <first o f this present moneth at theire meeteing in the Naas > <further depotheth [ ] further appointed those whose names ensue, within theire seuerall Barronies respectiuelie, to bee Collectors, for the gathering together of the Protestants Cattle; & for the threshing out of the
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Tho: Ash
concerning the Rebells
of the Countie of
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Protestants Corne, for the vse of the Rebells Army. vizt, for the vpper Barrony of the Naas, William Barnewall of Steiplinston, Richard Archbould of fflemmingston, & this Examinant Thomas Ash of the Naas, And for the lower Barronie of the Naas, Christopher Sherlock of the Dirr, & William ffitz-Garrald of Blackhall. For the Barrony of Saulte, Edward Allen of BishoppsCourt & Joseph Wesley of Alastie, who Executed theire authoritie accordinglie. The Collectors for the Barrony of Offalie were was, James ffitz-Garrald of Kilrush, & William fflood, who likewise executed theire his authoritie accordinglie. And this Examinant alsoe saith deposeth that att the said meeteing of the Naas, there were in the Companie of Roger Moore, & Hugh Birne Collonells of the Rebells, att the said Towne of the Naas, those whose names ensue, vizt, MrDungan a Lawyer, Brother vnto Sir John Dungan, Mr James ffitz-Garrald of Lackoe & Mr William Eustace of Crockestowne, Rowland Eustace of Blackhall William Owgan of the Downings &c And further saith, that hee heard from James fflatsbury, that Christopher Sherlock of the Dirr, was to lend vnto the said Councell of Warr, eight hundred poundes, towardes the maintenance of the Armie, And alsoe saith that the said Councell of warr, did write a Letter vnto my the Lord of Gormanston, desireing him to bee theire Gennerall; but what answeare they gott, hee this Examinant doth not know. And further saith that
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the said Councell att warr, did agree to make vpp fifteen hundred ffoot, and one hundred horse to beseidge Dublin, & that the Countie of Kildare should maintaine them with meate & drink; ffirst to beegin with the Protestants Haggards and Cattle, and when that should bee spent, the said Countie should maintaine the said Army, vpon theire owne Costes & charges, & that the some was to bee leuied vpon the Plow Lands.
Rob Meredith
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