Information of Nicholas Woogan
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:41 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 51r
<2 deponent t:> Nicholas Woogan of of the Convent of Kildare a ffranciscan ffryer deposeth and saith being examined before me William Hilton esquire one of the Barrons of the Exchequer on the iiijth of July 1642 deposeth and saith that hee hath liued since hee left the Low Countryes which was aboute 3 fiue yeares past sometymes in the Covent of Kildare & other tymes in the Covent <v> of Wickloe and other tymes with his ffather William Woogan of the downings in the Countie of Kildare and that a litle before the battle of Kilrush he was in the vpper parte of the Countie of Kildare begging for himselfe and the Covent of Kildare and coming back to his Covent hee mett with the Rebells and the english army and sawe them there fighting and that euer <w> since hee hath bene begging vpp and downe the Country and that two dayes before the Castle of Racoffy was taken this deponent came there abegging and continued there two nights with a purpose to leaue the same afor imediately after butt was intercepted by the english army And hee alsoe saith that att the battle of Kilrush there was in the [ ] Irish army <x:> one ffather Dillon a Jesuite from Kild oe Kilcoe in the Countie of Kildare with fiue ffryers besides this deponent whose names this deponent knoweth not butt from whence they of Kilrush or Rathcoffy had their powder this deponent knoweth not.
fr N: Wogan
will: Hilton
fol. 51v
fol. 52r
fol. 52v
4 July 1642
The examjnacion of
Nicholas Wogan