Information of Richard Ashbould

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:41 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-05-27
Identifier: 813049r026


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Kildare
Deposition Type: Information
Nature of Deposition: Confederacy
Commissioners: Robert Meredith
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 49r

The Examination of Richard Ashbould of fflemington in the Countie of Kildare taken the xxviith day of May 1642 Before mee Chancellour of his Maiesties Court of Exchequer By direction of the right honnorable the Lordes Justices & Councell.
Who beeing sworne & Examined saith that hee this Examinant hath beene att the Towne of the Naus seuerall daies since the present Rebellion and that hee there saw att sundrie tymes in consultation together & laying downe of Orders for the Gouerment of such thinges as tended to the releife and maintenance of the fforces to bee raised out of the Countie of Kildare the seuerall persons following vizt Sir Robert Talbott William ffitzGarrald of Blackhall Maurice ffitz-Garrald of Osberston Christopher Eustace of Newland Mr Beuerley Brittanie Mr Dungan a Lawyer Brother vnto Sir John Dungan & Collonell Roger Moore And the said parties soe assembled were tearmed and called the Councell att Warr And this Examinant further saith that the Captaines appointed out of the said Countie were these persons following vizt Oliver Dungan brother vnto Sir John Dungan Christopher Ashbould eldest sonne and heire vnto William Ashbould of Tymolins Walter Eustace a younger sonne of Eustace of Mollacash Richard

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ffitzGarrald of Lowestowne of late servant vnto Sir Nicholas White knight And this Examinant likewise saith that the said Councell att Warr appointed certaine in euerie Barronie to Collect the Goodes of the Protestants and out of them to provide Bread Beere and other Victualls for the fforces att Leixlipp and other Garrisons where the Rebells fforces laie vizt in the vpper Barronie of the Naas hee this this Examinant Rowland Eustace of Blackhall William Barnwall of Stephinstowne Richard Barnwall of Brenockstown and Thomas Ash of the Naas were appointed Collectors In the Barronie of Connell George ffitz-Garrald of Christianstowne In the Barronie of the Narrow his this Examinants Brother and James Ashbould And by the said Councell there were appointed to ouersee and take vpp the Accompts of him this Examinant and the rest of the Collectors of the vpper Barronie of the Naas Christopher Eustace of Newland and William Eustace of Craddockstowne And this Examinant alsoe saith that according the said authoritie soe giuen there was threshed out of the Haggard of Daniell ffoster att Sardwellstowne nineteene Barrells of wheate thirteene of Pease and twentie ffoure of Oates and a Portion of Beare All which Corne was sent vnto such persons as the Collonells of the Rebells appointed And

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this Examinant alsoe saith that bothe the Captaines Scurlocks, sonnes vnto Scurlock of Rathcredan were att two seuerall tymes entertained att his this Examinants house the Examinant himselfe beeing married vnto theire Aunt And lastlie this Examinant saith that about Shrouetide last hee was att Timolin att his Brother William Ashboulds house where then was both att meate and Lodgeing this Examinant himselfe Mr Patrick Scurlock late of Rathcredan Mr Clement Ash of this Cyttie and Captaine Christopher Ashbould eldest sonne vnto the said William.
Rob Meredith

fol. 50v

The Examination
of Richard Ashbold

Deponent Fullname: Richard Ashbould
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Kildare
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Robert Talbott, William ffitzGarrald, Maurice ffitz-Garrald, Christopher Eustace, Beuerley Brittanie, Mr Dungan, Roger Moore, Rowland Eustace, William Barnwall, Richard Barnwall, Thomas Ash, George ffitz-Garrald, James Ashbould, Christopher Eustace, William Eustace, Oliver Dungan, Christopher Ashbould, Walter Eustace, Richard ffitzGarrald, John Dungan, * Eustace, William Ashbould, Nicholas White, Captain Scurlock, * Scurlock, William Ashbould, Patrick Scurlock, Clement Ash, Christopher Ashbould, Captain Scurlock
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned