Examination of Daniell Enos
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The Examination of Daniell Enos, taken the xvith day of May 1642, Before mee Chancellour of his Maiesties Court of Exchequer, by direction of the right honnorable the Lordes Justices & Councell.
Whoe beeing sworne & Examined saith that beeing a Souldier vnder the command of Maurice ffitz Gerrald of Allen (who was att the begining of this present rebellion appointed a Captaine for the defence of the Countie of Kildare and armed by the State to that purpose) hee this Examinant was att the tyme, when the rest of his Companie ioyned with the Rebells, taken Prisoner and soe deteyned, vntill hee made an escape from them vnto his dwelling att the Towne of Kildare: vnto which said Towne one Gerrald ffitz-Gerrald of Brownestowne came, who att first vnder Mr Nicholas White commanded one other of the Companies soe armed by the State for the defence of the said Countie of Kildare as aforesaid, And the said ffitz-Gerrald compelled him this Examinant for the safeguard of his life to take Armes and goe with him, which this Examinant for some tyme did. And this Examinant saith that hee the said Gerrald ffitz-Gerrald was soone after placed by consent of certaine other of the Rebells, to keepe
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the Castle of Leixlipp, belonging vnto Sir Nicholas White. Att which tyme hee this Examinant and others of the said Gerrald ffitz-Gerralds Companie, were by theire said Captaine, left to attend theire said Captaines Vncle, Captaine Richard ffitz-Gerrald who lay att Connell, one other Towne belonging vnto the said Sir Nicholas White, which said ffitz Gerrald was of late Steward vnto him the said Sir Nicholas. And this Examinant saith that to giue an Encounter vnto the Kings Armie in theire returne from Athy, about Easter last past hee and all those vnder the Command of the said Captaine Richard ffitz Gerrald, mett on the Curragh of Kildare, that place beeing appointed for the Randevous of the whole fforces of the Countie of Kildare, and where accordinglie mett seaventeene collours vnder the command of Collonell ffitz-Gerrald of Ballysonan, Collonell Eustace of Castle Martin, Collonell Talbott, Collonell Sutton of Tipper, Collonell Lisagh Moore, Captaine Luke Brimingham of Parsonstowne in the Barronie of Corberrie, Captaine Edward Brimingham of the Carrick Captaine John Lee of Rathbride, Captaine Philipp fflattesburie, Captaine Eustace sonne vnto Eustace of Newland, Captaine Nangle sonne vnto Nangle of Ballisax, and sundrie other Captaines whom hee this Examinant cannot call to minde. And further saith that att the tyme and place aforeaid, there were sundrie of the gentlemen of the Countrie beholding the said
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Companies, vizt, Peeter Sarsfeild of Tullagh & James fflattsburie of Drynanstowne. And this Examinant likewise saith that from the Carragh of Kildare aforesaid, the said Captaine Richard ffitz Gerrald with his Companie, and the other Commanders with all theire fforces, Marched vnto the Bridge of Moyganey, where they mett with the fforces which came out of the Countie of Kilkennie and those partes, & after two daies staie there, they marched forwardes to meete with the kinges Armie, which was on theire waie vnto Dublin. But vpon the Encounter betweene them the Rebells were defeated, and generallie soe affrighted and disordered that if they had beene throughlie pursued, thousands of them might haue beene slaine, vpon which defeate hee this Examinant fled vnto his owne dwelling att Kildare, where hee remained vntill Captaine fflattesburie and Captaine Lee came thither and burned seuerall houses of the said Towne, and among others the house of one Mr Lightbornes, and the Tennements belonging vnto the Church, and the Earles Castle latelie built by the Lord Wandesford. And about two daies after the said Towne was soe burnt the, Earle of Castlehauen repaired thirther, and haueing taken a view of the same, said, in this Examinants heareing, that itt was ill done of the Rebells that they had not burnt
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downe the Church, as well as that which they did for now itt would bee a very convenient place for a Garrison And the said Earle then alsoe further said in his this Examinants heareing vnto some there that if anie part of the Castle was yet vnburnt they should cause itt to bee burnt. And lastlie this Examinant saith that to his knowledge Roger Moore and others of the Rebells were sundrie tymes enterteyned by Mr Peeter Sarsfeild of Tullagh.
Rob Meredith
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