Examination of John Talbott

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=816001r001] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:41 PM

Dublin Core

Identifier: 816001r001


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Meath
Deposition Type: Information
Nature of Deposition: Words
Deposition Transcription:

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Jhon Talbott of Robertstowne sworne & examined
sayeth that He hath a brother one James Talbott a preest about e the Age of fiue & thirtie yeers whoe hathe liued beyond seas vs aboute twentie yeeres & has his residence at Anwerpe which brother of his did aboute in July last arriue heer at Dublin and bestowed his tyme partlie in this Cittie and partlie at Clyntarfe Rathcredan plattin at Mr Nicholas Plunketts the lawyers & at Gormanstowne & that in Christmas Holly dayes he the said preest came from Gormanstowne vnto the Examinats Howse of Robertstown{e} where he remayned one nighte & noe more & tooke thence with him a servant of the examinats to wayte on him vnto Rathecredan & accordinglie returned from Rathecredan the Examinats servant & as the examinant vnderstood his sayd brother went from Rathcredan vnto Sir Robert Talbotts in Emayle & from thence vnto Wexford. The Examinatt alsoe saythe that aboute Shrouetyde He & all the Gentlemen of the Barrony of Ratowthe were summoned vppon payne of Deathe by a warrant signed vnder the hand of the Earle of ffingall vppon pa yne of deathe to bee { }

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the Hill of Taroghe att tenn of the clock on frydaye followeinge & the examinat beleeues their warrants of the like nature issued vnto the other Barronyes for at the tyme and place appointed there mett moost of the lords & genterey of the Countie of Meathe & for which t ym e meetinge the lords & gentlemen heervnder nominated sate in Councell in the chancell of the Churche & were named to bee the Councell of warr videlizett the Earle of ffingall the lord of Gormanstowne the lord of Trimlestowne Sir Richard Barnewall Barronett Patterick Barnewall of Kilbrew Nicholas Dowdall of Brownstowne Edward Dowdall of Monkestowne Vallerian Wesley of Dyngan Patterick Cusack of Gerrotstowne & as much of the woorke of that daye as was made knowne vnto the examinat was toucheinge the rayseinge of Horse for service & for the more orderlie doeinge thereof It was appointed by the sayd Councell of Warr that one out e Eleuen persons namelie oute of every Barroney should goe together into a Howse of the Towne of Taroghe & there then to lye downe

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make a lyst of all the Horse within the sayd Countie which was to bee presented vnto the sayd Councell of warr whoe vppon view of the whole number mighte dessigne & appointed how many ther e of should attend the service soe many of the and accordinglie the sayd lyst was presented and therevpon there was appointed for the service 120 and alsoe sayth that valleryan Wesley & Patterick Barnewall whoe were of the Councell of Warr were twoe alsoe of the Eleuen persons whoe made & prepared the generall lyst of the Horse of the others the Examinat remembers onelie the rest were Mr Warren of Churchstowne Mr Lynam of Adamstowne And further sayth that of the 120 horse soe appointed for service there were eighte to bee raysed in the Barroney of Ratowthe in manner followeinge videlizett two from Sir Richard Barnewall one from Barnewell of Kilbrew one from Sedgraue of k Killeglen one from the Examinat one from Mr Dillon of fflynstowne one from Mr Byrford of Kilrew one from Richard Birford the lawyer And the Examinat sayth that s o o ne suon e after there came a warrant from the Earle of ffingall whereby it was expressed that where by agreement at Taroghe the who Barroney of

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Rat ra y Ratouthe were to send eighte horses of the 120 which the whole Countie was to furnishe in the present service his lordship therfore required that the sayd Horses should accordinglie meet him at Taroghe on the Wensday before Shrouetyde and his lordship Comminge from Killeglyn on his waye vnto Kilsolchen where parte of the Rebells Armie l{a}ye his lordship missinge the Horses charged on the examinat he sente a couple of Horsemen whoe caused on of the examinats came servants to take the Examinats owne Horse & bootes & with a staff to attend his lordship vnto Kilsalchen where in which service atte n dance [ ] in which service the examinats servant remayned three dayes and was with the other Horse putt vnder the comm and of one Captayne fflemminge & sayth that there attended v nto the sayd Earle of ffingall vnto Kilsalchan Dowdall of Brownstowne & Dowdall of Monstowne & his sonn of Monstowne Sedgraue of Killeighan & porter of Ould bridge and sundry others, And alsoe sayth that aboute Christmas last there issued a warrant from Nicholas Dowdall of Brownestowne for the takeinge vpp & levyinge for the Armee at the seege of Drogheda out of the Barroney of Ratowthe 28 Cowes for that present weeke & for every weeke after twentie cowes dureinge the continuance of the seege of Drogheda which was accordinglie done

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And for the parties appointed, to gather & collect the sayd cowes were Robert Bathe of Kilturke & Richard Balfe of ffydalfe & over them Richard Cadell of Harbestowne whoe being appointed marshall receiued all provisions & conveyed them vnto the sayd Armie at Drogheda & for the overseeinge over sighte of the threshinge out of the protestants corne the examinat vnderstood that the same was commited vnto Robert Bath a Clerke of this Cittie And sayth that out of the sayd Barroney of Ratowthe there went for Captaynes with there companies Andrew Barnewell o f sonn vnto Patterick Barnwell of Kilbrew James Barnewell sonn vnto Jhon Barnewell of Atheronan and alsoe sayth that [ some ] of certayne p e ck s his corne with foure oxeen comminge vnto this cittie from him the sayd corne
Rob: Meredith

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Talbott of Robertstowne Examinacion

Deponent Fullname: Jhon Talbott
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Meath
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Nicholas Plunkett, Robert Talbott, Earle of ffingall, lord of Gormanstowne, lord of Trimlestowne, Richard Barnewall, Patterick Barnewall, Nicholas Dowdall, Edward Dowdall, Vallerian Wesley, Patterick Cusack, Mr Warren, Mr Lynam, * Sedgraue, Mr Dillon, Mr Byrford, Richard Birford, Captayne fflemminge, Richard Balfe, Robert Bathe, Richard Cadell, James Barnewell, James Talbott
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Mentioned