Deposition of John Berry
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:34 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 135r
John Berry of St. Johns towne in the parish of Glonbrony in the Barrony of Granard within the Countie of Longford Carpenter sworne and examined saith That: on the 27th of October Last: hee was at St: Johns towne aforesaid robbed stripped and: dispoiled of goodes of the values hereafter expressed (vizt) of Cattell: worth sixe poundes ten shillings, howsehold goods Worth Sixe powndes; hay Winter fuell, and one garden of pop potatoes worth together seaven poundes; one Lease worth tenn powndes, In debts the Specialties for which were all taken away twentie Seaven powndes tenn Shillings, Workeing tooles and other goodes worth Seaven pownds tenn Shillings; In all amounting to threescore fowre poundes & tenn shillings: By or by the meanes of <A> Bryan mc: Shane ffarrall of Arkill, Teig mc: Shane terrall of: Dromderge Lysagh: mc: Gerrald ffarrell of Orombad and divers others their followers they saying that they had a Comission from the King under his broad seale for what: they did and that: Phillip รด: Rely had it to: shew, and that if any Did resist them, they would Kill them by meanes of which: outrage both hee his wife and two children are in great: want: and miserie
John [mark] Berry
his [ ] marke
deposed before vs
Jan: 15: 1641
Henry Jones
Henry Brereton
This is a true Coppie the orriginal whereof was giuen into the Court of the cheife place for Evidence against the Rebells, where it still remayneth. Wittnes our hands Julij 7o 1652 Hen: Jones Hen: Brere{ton}
fol. 135v