Examination of Henry Duffe
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fol. 40r
The Examynacion of Henry Duffe of Ballyslandy in the Com of meath, yeoman, taken before vs Sir George Shurley knight Cheife Justice of his Maiesties Courte of Cheife place and Sir William Ryues, knight one of the Judges of the said Courte the 30th of 8ber 1641
<A> Whoe saith that on frid thursday the 21th of this instant, he lay all nyght at Kilcocke, and that on the wednesday, the day before, he lay in a ffarmers house neare Ballyneskagh whose name, he knoweth not and how many m yles from Kilcocke he knoweth not, And that on Tuesday the 19th of this instant he lay, at one, Richard Duffes house, neare Ballyhoarie, beinge aboute twelue miles distant from Ballyneskagh, And that vppon Munday the 18th he Lay at the <B> house of one, Laughlin Haulpenys ha of Ballyvarwell, in Com predic. where he had liued afore for the space of 6 or 7 weekes before, beinge distant from dublin, 28 myles, And further sayth, that on friday the 22th of this instant 8ber, he Came to Dublin, aboute twelue of the Clocke at noone, And that his Occation or buissines was of cominge thither to seeke for service and to buy brogs; And sayth, that he had noe other weapon [ ] but a sworde by his side <C> and a little skeyne in his pocket, & a payre of smale sissers, the which sworde & skeyne was taken from him, by some of the towne whome he knoweth not, And this Examynant further
fol. 40v
<D> sayth that he was of the Company of a s ervant vnto Sir James Dillon, And, that he was, in service with him and Mr Barnewell of Kilbrew any tyme these 4 yeares past, And further sayth that he knoweth Pattricke Moore And that he mett him by Kilcocke and that they Came to dublin together, And a brother of the said Patt. whom he knoweth not, neuer sawe before, And that the said Patt did guide him into a Cookes house in Cookes streete, where they Lay and supped together, [ ] that nyght
Ge Shurley Wm: Ryves
fol. 41r
The Examynacion of Owen Hanrattde of Dublin gentleman taken before vs the 30th of 8ber 1641
(the following is deleted in full:)
Whoe saith that [ ] he was a servant vnto one Mr Ovington of Ballynameatagh in the Com of Ardmagh, for the space of one yeare and a haulfe endinge at be An d that the said Mr Ovington [die inge] about Cristimas Last and then he this Examinant Came to Dublin aboute Candlemas [ ] and Lodged at the house of one was lodged at house was entertained by one Mr Ledwich of sct Johns la ne scoolemaster Mrs Walsh, where he taught Children theyre Gramer vnder him and from thence aboute a Moneth since he remoued to the widow Dillons May last he remoued to Mrs Walshes house in Cookestreete and there remayned till aboute a moneth since he went to the widowe Dillons house in Cookestreete Higinslane where he remayned, vntill he was apprehended, And further saith not
fol. 41v
30 oct: 1641
The examinacion of
Henry Duffe
1 he came hither the
xxijth of october
2 his occasion was to
service and buy
3 he had a sword and
a skeane.