Deposition of Richard Cartwright
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:57 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 138r
Richard Cartwright clerke of Granard in the Barronie of Granard and Countie of Longford duely sworne saith that on or aboute the 24th of 8tober last past hee this deponent was by the rebells robbed & dispoyled of goods chattells cattell househould stuffe & meanes of livelyhood heereafter followinge vizt of househould stuffe lynnen and apparell, & househould provision amounteinge to the summe or value of sixtie two Poundes five shillings or thereabouts In Powltrie xx s. in bookes xxx s. in debts xiiij li. 2 s. or thereabouts, In cattell Cxvj li. xvij s. or thereaboutes, in wooll 40 s., in hay xvj li. In turffe x li. in Corne & garden rootes xxx li. in reddie monney xviij li., in Plate v li. in all amountinge to the summe of two hundred, seventie, six Poundes fowreteene shillings or thereabouts, over and beesides this deponents Clerke ship worth xx li. per annum, and viij li. which hee gaue for a fyne of the land whereon hee built a house which cost him aboue xx li. and beesides a parcell of lands which, hee held for terme of life from the Lord Angier worth xi li. per annum, all which robberie & dispoyleinges was donne and committed, by or by the meanes of theis <A.> persons vizt James Nugent of Colamber in Com Westmeath Justice of peace, Donnell ô Ferrall of Killshroole Com Longford gentleman, James Nugent of Ballynarrhon in the parish of Granart eodem Com gentleman, Lavallen Nugent of Trumroe in the same parish gentleman Thomas Pettit of Granart gentleman, Farrell mc Murrie of Granard a younge fellowe servant to the deponent, Hubbart Ferrall of Granard servant to this deponent. William mc Ginge a brogemaker of the same, Bryan ô Duffie of the <B.> same labourer Teige mc Gawne of the same Labourer Knogher mc Ainoster of Trimroe in the same parish husb: Patricke ô Lennan of the Granard, a laborer, Tirlagh mc Bryen of the same Labourer
fol. 138v
Shane mc Shymmon of the same Labourer and divers others whome this deponent cannot remember, and <c> the said Donnell ô Mogherie said to this deponent that hee had the Kings Authoritie vnder the greate seale for what they did, and the rebells aforesaid did all or most of them threaten to kill this deponent if hee would not departe, and leaue his goodes, house and liveinge
Richard Cartwrighte
Jur: 18o Jan 1641
Roger Puttocke
Hen: Brereton
This is a true Coppy. the orriginall whereof was giuen into the Court of the cheife place for Evidenc{e} against the Rebells where it still remayneth
Wittness our hands Julij 7o 1652
Hen: Jones.
Hen: Brereton.