Deposition of Nathaniell Hollington

Collection: Other Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:11 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-01-13
Identifier: 817148r118


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Longford & Westmeath
Deposition Type: Abstract Concerning James Farrell
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Stripping
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, Henry Jones, William Aldrich, William Hitchcock
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 148r

Nathaniell Hollington of Clogh Thomas Browne in the Countie of Longford Minister robbed and spoiled of these perticulars.
Inp: in bookes...........................................................................30 li.
Item in houshould stuffe and necessaries about
the house...................................................................................60 li.
Item in Turffe.............................................................................6 li.
Item in Corne in Haggard and threshed...................................80 li.
Item Corne in grownd..............................................................40 li.
Item in greate cattle..................................................................80 li.
Item in horses and garrans........................................................50 li.
Item in rents..............................................................................64 li.
Item in Sheepe fortie................................................................40 li.
Item in debts.............................................................................90 li.
Item in annuities and conveiances..........................................300 li.
Item in the proffit of the land that
was in myne owne occupation.................................................30 li.
Item in hay...............................................................................10 li.
Sum................880 li.

The manner how this spoile was donn was thus: October 27th last beeinge Conige fferrall of Lisleagh sent vnto mee his sonn James to tell mee that the Rebells wer{e} advanced out of the Countie of Cavan and come vp into our Countie, wherevpon I left my house and fled to Athloane: my servants the next day droue my sheepe and carryed some Parte of my brasse and pewter and two or three barrells of wheate to the land <A> and house of John fferrall of Terlickin, and two or three barrells of wheate they carryed to the house of Conige fferrall aforesaid and some househould stuffe to Lisagh fferrall of Listibbott these three (for

fol. 148v

for the space of three weekes did vse my children kindlye <B> when they resorted vnto them, but then Conige mc Rosse fferrall and Rory mc Garrett comeinge into these partes with theyre Complices chased away my children, stript some of them out of theyre clothes, and from that tyme noe childe of myne could receaue anny comfort out of the goodes soe delivered october 29th last came Letrim rebells to my house and with them some of the Quinns aboute Ardagh and some of the Sheriffes Bayliffes whose names I know not, they were in number about thyrtie these brake open my doores, tooke some parte of my househould stuffe, Dranke of my drinke as much as they could, and poured the residue vppon the grounde, eate what bread meate and pullen they found aboute the house, tare in peeces my bookes and writeinges and burned some then the day followeinge my neighbours of Cnapoge Barry Glanmore and Lisnecrew came in greate companies and tooke what remained in and aboute my howse October 30th William fferrall of Ballin Tubbir came with <C> his followers and tooke away seaventeene head of my cattell, went to the Church with one Dennis Murtagh a priest and tooke thence the Church bible, two bookes of Common prayer, three bibles of myne, a carpet Price thirtie shillinges, two pulpit cloths and two Cusheons price three poundes, and my plow Irons cast in thither by my servants for securitie, the same day ffardorogh รด Kelly of the parish of Shrowell, tooke from my servants one steere strayinge from his fellowes pretendinge that hee would pay for him
Nathamiell Hollington
Deposed Jan: 13th 1641
William Aldrich
William Hitchcocke

This is a true coppie the originall whereof was given into the Courte of the chiefe place for evidence against the rebells where it still remaineth wittnesse our handes July 7th 1652
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton.

fol. 149r

fol. 149v

Nath: Hollington Com Long:
Jur: 13o: Jan: 1641
Cert is made of
his losses Date: 26th

Deponent Fullname: Nathaniell Hollington
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Minister
Deponent County of Residence: Longford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Conige fferrall, James *, John fferrall, Lisagh fferrall, Conige mc Rosse fferrall, Rory mc Garrett, William fferrall, ffardorogh Kelly
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel