Examination of Patrick McArt McMahan
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fol. 56r
The examinacion of Patrick mc Art mc Mahan of Ballinecloch in the Barony of Dartry and County of Monoghan taken before us Sir Richard Bolton knight Lo: Chancellor of Ireland and Sir Gerrard Lowther knight &c the first day of November 1641
<N> This examinant saith that hee was borne at Ballinecloch in the Barony of Dartry in the Com of Monoghan and that [his so being ] hee is a follower of Captaine Hugh mc Mahan, and that of late there was a reporte in the Country by people goeinge and comeinge from Masse that those that would come to Dublin about Sunday was seunnight should haue imployment And that vpon therevpon hee on Twesday with Owen mc Rosse mc <O> Mahan on Twesday was seunight tooke their Journey towards Dublin, and that night lodged neere vnto Sharcoke in the Com of Cavan, the next night they came to Nobber in the Com of Meath, the next night after they lodged at a Towne about fower miles of this side Slane in the Com of Meath, and vpon ffriday beinge the 22th of October they came to Dublin where they found Patrick mc owen mc Mahan with and Brian mc Mahan with divers other Northerne people whose names hee knowes <P> not beinge about Eight in Number whoe came to Dublin that day as they then told this Examinant, and that on Saturday morneinge hee with Patricke mc A r t mc Mahan Owen mc Rosse mc Mahon which came in Company with him, Patricke mc Owen mc Mahan and
fol. 56v
<Q> Bryan mc Mahan with divers others whose names hee knowes not were apprehended,
Patrick mc [mark] Art mc
Mahan his Marke
Ri: Bolton Canc
Gerrard Lowther
fol. 57r
fol. 57v
1 No: 1641
The Examinacion of
Patricke mc Art
Mc Mahon
1 he is a follower of
hugh oge mc mahan
2 he came to Dublin the
xxijth of october