Examination of Charles Kinsalagh
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=809075r038] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 10:39 AM
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fol. 75r
The examinacion of Charles Kinsalagh of Dublin taken before us Sir Rich Bolton knight Lord Cha: of Ireland and Sir Gerrard Lowther knight &c the second day of November 1641
<X> This examinant saith that about six of the Clock on saturday morneinge was seunight hee heard a knockinge at his doore in wintaverne streete where hee dwelleth, whereupon hee arose out of his bedd and opened shortly after the doore was opened by this examinants boy and there came in Tirlagh รด Connor a servant to the Lord Magwire whoe demaunded of this Examinant whether hee had any good Ale in his howse, whereunto hee answered him there was not any but small beere <Y> wherevpon hee sent this Examinants boy for fower penies worth of Ale and when the boy came back hee told this Examinant that there were Tenn thousand Scots draweinge neere the towne and therevpon the said Tirlagh o Connor said that the Gates were shutt and that hee Could not come to my Lord his Horses, then this Examinant [ ] asked the said Tirlagh if hee thought the lord Magwire was vpp, whereunto hee answered, hee thought <Z> hee was by reason hee left him at his lodginge at Nevills howse in Castlestreete about to rise And this Examinant havinge vnderstoode the day before being ffriday from one Edmond mc Mahon a servant to the Lord Magwire that his lordshipp desired to speake
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<A> this Examinant the said Edmond mc Mahon then comeinge into this examinants howse hee left the said Tirlagh and Edmond drinkeinge of the Ale and went to his Lordshipps lodginge at Nevills howse to speake with his Lordshipp, and there enquireinge for him the people of the howse told him this examinant that hee was gone abroad long since before; whereupon this examinant retourned backe againe to his owne howse and there was told by his wife that the Neighbors told her that it was the Lord Magwire that was knockinge at the doore before, and that this examinant hee went downe towards the Key and retourned back againe towards Kookestreete, and this examinant supposeinge that hee was gone <B> to one Kearnan, a Tailor his howse in Cookestreete whoe worked for him this examinant went thether to seeke his Lordshipp and Comeinge into the howse found not any one there but young Children, and that then this examinant went vpp a paire of steares Leading to a Cockloft where lookeing over a doore hee espied his Lordshipp lyeinge vpon a bedd with an old Caddow rapped about him and discerned him by his haire, thereupon lookeing vnder the doore hee found they key and opened <C> the doore and went into the Roome, whereupon his lordshipp wished him to sett him downe by him vpon a Chest by the bedd side and to putt on his hatt, and told him that his life and goods and all he had was in this Examinants hands and desired him if possible hee Could to Convey him secretly out of that
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<D> and the examinant answereding that there was hee could not, hee told this examinant that there was a place in St Owens Arch where if hee were Conveyed hee might bee kept secretly, whereunto hee answered, that hee could not convey him thether, the lord Magwire Replied that hee thought if hee were disguised in Womens apparell hee might bee Conveyed thether, and this examinant told his Lordshipp that hee thought if hee were soe disguised hee might bee Conveyed into some better way, <E> which was by to goe on the other side of the streete about fiue or six of the Clock at night and soe bee Conveyed by Colmans Brooke, And therevpon his Lordshipp wished him this examinant to walke abroad and heare what newes there was, soe this examinant departed and locked the doore, and before this examinant Could retourne backe againe, hee mett his lordshipp with Comeinge with apprehended by the sheriffs comeinge through fishamblestreete towards the Castle.
Cha: Kinsallagh
Ri Bolton Canc
Gerrard Lowther
fol. 76v
2 No: 1641
The examinacion of
Charles Kinselagh
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