Deposition of George Stockdalle

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:59 PM

Dublin Core

Identifier: 810091r152


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Dublin
Deposition Type: Waring Copy
Nature of Deposition: Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, John Watson, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 91r

<145> George Stockdalle of the Cittie of Dublin gent formerly sworne and examined doth (in addition to his former examynacion) further depose & say That since the takeing of his said former Examinacion he hath called to mynd that vpon discourse with Brandane Connor the frier (whoe by his owne confession was before the Irish Rebellion emploied at Rome for some of the Papists of Ireland & England) att the time of their being together mentioned in the said first examynacion, he the said Brandane Conner confessed and earnestly protested to him this deponent That it was first proiected and resolved by & amongst those friers & some other Preists and Jesuits of that land of Ireland & [ ] That with the least noise or suspition possible much Armes, Amunition Artilery shipping & great sumes of money, with great numbers of comanders & souldiers should be raised and had in readines in Spaine for assaulting & surpriseing of Ireland, And for that purpose mightie great Summes were levied at Rome, and in divers other parts of Italy & Spaine, espetially amongst their Convents A[ ] & religious howses: But becawse that forreine power & provision might be the more prevalent & transported with the least suspition opposition It was further agreed amongst them That all Comotion and sedition possible should be raised by the Preists & friers both in England Scotland & Ireland betweene the Kinge & the Commons, & betweene the protestants & the Papists And that therevpon great numbers of Preists and friers went of Spaine Italy France & Flaunders & other places into England Scotland & Ireland, Whoe were soe solicitous close & subtill, That vpon their secrett & subtill surmises of Dangers there theatened by the puritan party (as they calle them) to theirs the Papists Religion, & also to roote out the protestante Religion Much dissention reluctacion & differences arose, & for a long time troubled the breasts of great numbers, especially amongst those of naturally evill spiritts & others that were drawne to beleeve theis pretences

fol. 91v

which done, one on a sudden (after severall yeres spent in soweing those seeds of sedition, & in prepareing of the other provision) when the protestant thought the least of it, there was sent out of Spaine a strong fleete of shipps wel manned, with great numbers of Comanders souldiers Mariners, & aswell fraight & furnished with Artilery Armes Amunition money, & all other necessaries for warre, All which were consigned for Ireland, the one half to be landed at Kinsale in the Sowthwest, the other half at Killabeggs in the north. Howbeit a feirce & strong winde carrying them per force past the Coast of Ireland, into the narrow Sea The hollanders fell vpon & spoiled them for elce the Irish had risen vp in Armes sooner, & had neither wanted men money Amunition Armes nor any thing belonging to Warre, And then the said Brandan Conner the frier mightily enveighed against the Hollanders & (as this deponent hath in his former examinacion declared) bitterly cursed them for it: Saying the Vnluncky Hollanders had spoiled their plott, & half vndone all the Romish Catholiques or to that effect, to the best of his this Deponents remembrance: And this deponent further saith that after he had gotten the intelligence before mencioned in this & in his former examination by rideing vpp & downe Ireland a long time with the said Brandan Connor & lodging with them him vnder colour of affection & Love to him, and his partie, This deponent aft er wards (secretly disguised by in an Irish mans clothes) gott away from him: and (according to his former promisse [as ] secretly made to Sir Charles Coote) gott into the English quarters, & from thence to Dublin:
Jur vt supra coram Johanne Watson: Hen: Brereton et Willelmo Aldrich

Deponent Fullname: George Stockdalle
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Brandane Connor, Charles Coote
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Denounced, Mentioned