Copy of the articles of agreement between Lord Esmond and General Preston

Collection: Other Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:24 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1645-03-18
Identifier: 818146r143


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wexford
Deposition Type: Miscellaneous
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 146r

Articles of agrement concluded and agreed vpon by and betwixt the right honorable the Lo: Esmond of the one part and Thomas Preston generall of the confederate Catholique forces of Linster on the other part Mar: 18: 1644
Imprimis it is concluded and agreed upon by and betwixt the abouesaid partyes that [ ] <i> Said Lo: Esmond right honorable the said Lo: Esmond shall on the nineteenth day of this instant Marche deliuer the Castle and forte of Duncannon to the aforesaid Thomas Preston generall of Linster to his Maiestyes vse.
Item it is further concluded and agreed upon that the souldiers and others the inhabitants <k> of Dunccannon aforesaid. Shall part (with the all theire bagge and baggage coulours displayed euery souldier armed with a third part pike and the rest musquet bal en bouch and light match and the officers with theire light match peculia{r} armes according to theire degrees) to Dublin or youghall or both whether they shall be conveyed safely with convenient cariage for theire goods and persons
It: it is further concluded and agreed upon that the Said Thomas Preston <l> gene= rall of Linster shall keepe and mainteine against all his Maiestyes Enemyes and to his Maiestyes vse the Said Castle and forte: as alsoe for what armour amunition ordnance and whatsoeuer other necessaryes shall be left there (of all which an inventory is to be taken) he shall be accountable to his Maiesty or to such others as by his Maiestyes speciall commission shall be appointed for the same: all which is to be at his Maiestyes Commande when he shall require it to be disposed into such handes as shall be true unto his Maiesty, his Crowne and the Kingdome of Ireland
<M> In witnesse whereof we the aboue named haue unto these presente interchaingeably put our hands and seales the day and yeere abouewritten

fol. 146v

fol. 147r

fol. 147v

A Copy of the articles betweene
the Lo: Esmond and generall

Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Lo: Esmond, Thomas Preston
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Confederate