Letter from Richard Swanly
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fol. 156r
Right honorable
The great interrest of the state highlie stadged in that bleedinge <p> Kingdome, by your sad ingadgment, and the care that my truste imposeth for the preservacion of such braue spirits, stated in a posture of gallantrie, invited mee within 24 howers of th firste intelligence, to dispeede the Elizabeth Capt Coppin Comandor, and a Pink Capt Grigorie Comandor, with Coles for your releiff, with the Magdalen Capt Hosier Comandor to Cork, to the lord Inshequin for Souldiors, orderringe th Maieflower at Cork alsoe for transportacion of them: which afore this, by all probabilleties are at your honors despose. yet Capt Beale cominge in, informinge your condition & highe merrit, & that they weare not arrived. I haue Comissionated my viceadmirall, Capt Beale, and the Duncanon ffrigat for your disingadgement. As for Souldiors from this Countrey they are not to bee <q> draune off from this seruice, without an inevitable preiudice, and I am confident of the Lord Inshequins complyeance to rendor men for Your timelie aide, and what lies in the ffleete designed: yow shall finde them readie to declare theare forwardnes to doe service with iudgement, & for my assistance & incouradgment what lies within my reache shalbee manefested by accion. Thus not doubtinge, but the Lorde of hoastes will owne his cause & people, in giveing you a glorious deliverance from the base vnworthie enemie.
I am your honors most loyeall &
faithfull servant & honorer
from aboard his Maiesties ship
Leopard 15o ffebu: 1644.
ffor nues I refer your honor to the
Bearor, whoe will giue you a full
& satisfactorie relacion.
Ri Swanley
fol. 156v
fol. 157r
(piece of seal)
fol. 157v
15th of ffeb: 1644
Cap: swanleys letter
This delivered in at the
Board by Richard vnder=
wood at his examjnacion
xj Apr 1645
shewen to mr Thomas
Eustace at his examjnacion
15 Apr: 1645
ffor the right honorable the Lord
Esmond, one of his Maiesties most honorable privie
Councell in Ireland, & Comandor in cheiffe
of his Maiesties ffoarte Duncannon.
humblie theise