Examination of Cornelius Curren
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fol. 21r
The examinacion of Cornelius Curren aged 40 yeare{s} or thereaboutes one of the Company of the John of Waterford, who came into the River of Waterford 29o Aprill 1642
<T> Being duly sworne on the holy Evangelist, and examined s{aith} that after Captaine Chappell (who ridd at this Harbors mouth) made the first shot at the sayd Barkque to ma{ke} strike saile, hee this examinant spoake to Leonard Sutton {Master?} of the sayd Barkque, and wished him to beare vp to { } ship, and he rebukeing him answered in these tearmes, y{ } are a Company of Clownes and dogges, so held on his Cour{se} vntill the sayd ship further persued him, and forced him { } an Anchor, with the eischargeing of seaven peece of Ordn{ance}
Cornelius Curren
<V> And this examinant further sayeth that he being in Rochell an{d} one of the Company of the ship called the Elizabeth of Plymouth about some three monnthes last past, hee sawe one Dominicke Keraven there, who was then Merchan{t} of a Londoner, and that hee did then see a Chest full of swordes put on Board, and that by the sayd Dominicke to be Carried for Gallaway for which Haven the sayd ship was then bound
Cor: Curren